Articles - Archives

Volume: 3   Issue: 3


Type I Collagen Induces DEC Expression and Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) in Human Breast Cancer MCF-7 Cells
Yuta Tsugeno, Tadashi Yoshizawa, Yunyan Wu, Shintaro Goto, Toshihiro Haga, Takahiro Suzuki, Hiroko Seino, Satoko Morohashi and Hiroshi Kijima*
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Comprehensive Vital Organ Biomarkers Analysis of the Consciousness Energy Healing Based Novel Test Formulation Using Various Cell-lines
Alan Joseph Balmer, Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, Sambhu Charan Mondal and Snehasis Jana*
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Prevention, Surveillance and Bio-Containment Response to Communicable Diseases in Migratory Flows Control Operations: The Interoperability Concept and the Role of the Italian Red Cross Volunteer Military Corps
Gabriele Lupini, Romano Tripodi and Pietro Rossetti*
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The Trigger of Oncology
AE Ermolenko*
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Comparison of Calcium Serum Concentration, Alkaline Phosphatase Serum and Bone Mineral Density Based on the Treatment Duration of Anti-epilepsy in Epilepsy Children
I Gusti Ngurah Made Suwarba* and Ayu Shintia Shanti
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