Articles - Press

Aloe Vera Leaves and their Importance in Poultry Birds: An Article Review
Nuha Talib Shareef Al-Salman* and Jassim Kassim Al-Gharawi
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A Study on Online Education Vs Traditional Face to Face Adults Learner’s Learning Outcomes Compare and Contrast
Jumri Riba and Muttu Vemula*
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Lab-on-a-Chip Technology: A Comprehensive Review of Materials, Microfabrication, Applications and Emerging Trends
Munawar Ali*, Syeda Areej Imran, Muhammad Mohsin, Murad Aziz, Shehbaz Ali and Hafiz Muhammad Sultan
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Effect of Aqueous Root Extract of Rauvolfia Obscura K. Schum (Apocynaceae) on Glycemia in Wistar Rats
Ondélé R*, Elion Itou RDG, Epa C, Ngoma Batamio A and Etou Ossibi AW
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Development and Quality Assessment of Peda Prepared from Buffalo Milk Incorporated with Elephant Foot Powder and Stevia Powder
Pranjal Tiwari and Shanker Suwan Singh*
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The Role of Natural Light and Fresh Air in Ecotherapy
Ujjwala Kakarla*
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