Articles - Archives

Volume: 4   Issue: 1

APRIL 2020

Prevalence and Possible Risk Factors for Helicobacter pylori Seropositivity among Peptic Ulcerative Individuals in Nnewi Nigeria
Chukwuma OM, Chukwuma GO*, Manafa PO, Akulue JC and Jeremiah ZA
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A Shock and a Surprise! An Unusual Presentation of Tuberculosis
Chitralekha Khati* and Ashwini Kumar Sony
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Polypoid Neuroendocrine Tumor G1 of Gallbladder
Tadashi Yoshizawa, Toshihiro Haga, Shintaro Goto, Daisuke Kudo, Shinnosuke Yonaiyama, Singo Sakuraba, Naoki Wajima, Satoko Morohashi, Kenichi Hakamada and Hiroshi Kijima*
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Evaluation of the Clinical Role of Testis Expressed Protein 101 (TEX101) and Extracellular Matrix Protein 1 (ECM1) as Novel Predictive Markers in Relevance to Testicular Sperm Retrieval and Differentiation of Obstructive from Non-Obstructive Azoospermia
Hussain K Kadhem, Hayder AL Mossa* and Ula Alkawaz
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Deactivation DNA Polymerase and Hexokinase Enzymes by Radioisotope 28Mg in Cancer Treatment Research
Tran Van Luyen*
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