Articles - Archives

Volume: 1   Issue: 2


Perception of HIV Patients on Integration of HIV Services with Other Primary Care Services in Embu Teaching and Referral Hospital
Caroline N Githae*, Micah Matiangi and Moses Muraya
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An Analysis of the Challenges in the Implementation of PMTCT in Rural Zimbabwe and Its Effectiveness in the Amelioration of New Infections. A Case Study of Magagula Resettlement-Mtholampilo Clinic in Matebeleland North
Tomy Ncube* and Sithembiso Msipha
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Early Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy and Low Immune Activation Level would Reduce Mortality in African People Living with HIV with High CD4 Cell Count Levels
Assane Diouf*, Helen Trottier, Gilleh Thomas, Abdoulaye Seck, Moussa Thiam, Mouhamed Ndongo Sangaré, Souleymane Mboup, Vinh-Kim Nguyen and Assan Jaye
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Variation in Clinical Presentation of Herpes Zoster in HIV Positive and Negative Patients
Aishni Shah, Juhi Shah, Khushboo Modasia and Rita Vora*
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Prevalence of Hypertension and Its Association with Tuberculosis, among HIV patients on ART in Bagamoyo District, Eastern Tanzania
Getera Isack Nyang*, Charles Festo and Ally Olotu3
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