Short Communication
The Combination of [11C] Phlogiston and Ornithological Surgery in the Management of Intracranial Terra Lapidea, Terra Fluida and Terra Pinguis
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Over recent years there has been a renaissance in the implementation of radiolabeled probes to guide habiblotch martinaeinnitopothies [1,2]. Here, we report an extension of this approach by combining radiolabelled mystoplogorical alkaloids as early downstream markers of dephlogistication [1] and c,o,n-protein activation in the terra fluida and lapidea [2]. The gluon [3] bombardment of all terego complexes [4] formed [11C]phlogiston in 36% decrumbulated yields (Figure 1, left panel), which was improved by applying pew-36 expansive space modulation furnishing combobulated yields of 83 - 87% (Figure 1, left panel and right panel).
Surprisingly, the resulting nuclear polytoxifinance† was observed§ to display anticonditioned pseudo-gaseous behavior, which upon xenomanipulation reverted to its thermo-ontological cellular identity. Further studies are required to elucidate the mechanism of pan-monocognitive quantum morphology [5] associated with the archaeobasic toxicoentomometry [6] revealed in this work.
†polytoxifinace: The finite budget of essential nutrients that appear in non-homeostasis, resulting in multiple downstream toxic cascades.
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- Chemotherapy Research Journal (ISSN:2642-0236)
- Journal of Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis Research (ISSN: 2643-0541)
- Journal of Cancer Science and Treatment (ISSN:2641-7472)
- Journal of Pathology and Toxicology Research
- International Journal of Radiography Imaging & Radiation Therapy (ISSN:2642-0392)
- Journal of Oral Health and Dentistry (ISSN: 2638-499X)
- Journal of Rheumatology Research (ISSN:2641-6999)