Journal of Allergy Research (ISSN: 2642-326X) publishes original papers dealing with the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of allergic and related diseases. Papers may include the study of methods of controlling allergic reactions, human and animal models of hypersensitivity and other aspects of basic and applied clinical allergy in its broadest sense. Allergy is a hypersensitive reaction of the immune system produced by several origins such as environmental factors, drugs, foods, etc.
Articles cover such topics as asthma, food allergy, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, primary immune deficiencies, occupational and environmental allergy, and other allergic and immunologic diseases, and include clinical trials and mechanistic studies that report on novel therapies, insights into underlying mechanisms, and other discoveries that will inform our understanding of these diseases and ultimately improve the diagnosis and management of patients.
Manuscripts may be submitted as Research Articles, Review Articles, Mini-review, Case Reports, Opinion, Letters to the Editor and Editorials, Rapid and Short Communications, Commentary. Submitted articles go through the stringent review process under the guidance of Editorial Board & Editor-in-Chief to enhance the quality and significance of the journal.
Journal of Allergy Research (ISSN: 2642-326X) welcomes submissions of manuscripts via Online Submission System or via email to the Editorial Office at submissions@scitcentral.com (or) allery@scitcentral.com (or) allery.research@scitcentral.com
Recently Published Articles in Journal of Allergy Research (ISSN:2642-326X)
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