Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology Research (ISSN: 2640-6136) is an online peer-reviewed journal aims towards providing breakthrough discoveries in all aspects of psychology and psychiatry. The main of the Journal is to bring together empirical research, clinical studies, and reviews of high quality arising from different theoretical perspectives.
Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology Research (ISSN: 2640-6136) provides a forum for researchers, physicians, and other health professionals of the highest standard for penetrating informed global debate on the latest developments in the field of psychiatry. The Journal encourages and publishes articles that report novel findings in the areas like neuropsychopharmacology, neuroendocrinology, electrophysiology, genetics, experimental psychology and epidemiology, behavioral psychology, clinical psychology, forensic psychology, health psychology, the psychology of religion, psychotherapy, school psychology, social psychology, sports psychology etc.
Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology Research (ISSN: 2640-6136) accepts Research Articles, Review Articles, Mini-review, Case Reports, Opinion, Letters to the Editor and Editorials, Rapid and Short Communications, Commentary on all the aspects of psychiatry and psychology. Submitted articles are subjected to stringent peer review and revision process before being accepted for publication, to maintain the quality and significance of the journal. The articles published are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication thus improving the citations for authors and attaining a good impact factor.
Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology Research (ISSN: 2640-6136) welcomes submissions of manuscripts via Online Submission System or via email to the Editorial Office at submissions@scitcentral.com.
Recently Published Articles in Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology Research (ISSN:2640-6136)
- Psychiatry, COVID-19 and Medical Education: A Challenging Triad? Reem Salman* and Neha Sadik
- How to Regulate Consumption Triggered by Upward Comparison? Self-esteem Is the Ultimate Shield Nada Nasr Bechwati*
- Lesser Presence of Negative Emotions in the Elderly During the COVID-19 Outbreak Lorena García-Fernández*, Verónica Romero-Ferreiro, Victoria Rodríguez, Guillermo Lahera and Roberto Rodriguez-Jimenez
- The Involvement of Teachers on Academic Motivation of School Students Rituparna Basak*
- The Problem of the Origin of the Berbers Chena Khedidja*
- The Relationship of Health Awareness to Practice Preventive Health Behavior Boughrari Keltoum*
- Self-Compassion Assisted Silent Mourning Psychotherapists Experience of Patient Suicide Priyadarshini Pant* and Harprit Kaur
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