Editorial Board
Dr. Oliver Toskovic |
Biography : Oliver Tošković is an assistant professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Belgrade. He got a PhD at the same University, on topic Anisotropy of perceived space. Also works part-time at the Faculty of Philosophy, Kosovska Mitrovica. He teaches Statistics in psychology, Statistics in educational research, Multivariate statistics, Academic skills and Perception. He participated on various projects regarding basic cognitive processes, funded by Ministry of Science of Republic of Serbia. He also worked as a data analyst and statistics advisor on projects regarding education evaluation, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), TIMSS (Trends in Mathematics and Science Study), Academic motivation of students in Serbia (Serbian Ministry of Education and Institute for Evaluation of Education Quality) and project ACE-Serbia regarding Adverse Childhood Experiences. Beside basic and advanced statistic courses at the University, he got additional training from Hierarchical Linear Modelling, Dynamical systems in psychology, Structural Equation Modelling, IRT analysis, Multi-level modelling. In a period 2012-2018 he was an action editor in international journal Psihologija, and reviewer for many international journals. So far he published 32 scientific papers, 126 conference abstracts, which are cited 132 times (H index=4), and organized 10 public exhibitions on experimental psychology topics. In 2012 he received Psychological Society of Serbia reward Žiža Vasić, for popularization of psychology. |
Research Interest : Perception, Statistics and Research Methodology |
- Journal of Genetics and Cell Biology (ISSN:2639-3360)
- Journal of Genomic Medicine and Pharmacogenomics (ISSN:2474-4670)
- Journal of Womens Health and Safety Research (ISSN:2577-1388)
- Food and Nutrition-Current Research (ISSN:2638-1095)
- Journal of Astronomy and Space Research
- Journal of Agriculture and Forest Meteorology Research (ISSN:2642-0449)
- Journal of Veterinary and Marine Sciences (ISSN: 2689-7830)