Editorial Board

Prof. J. Alfredo Martínez

Prof. J. Alfredo Martínez
Chairman of the Institute of Nutrition at the University of Navarra, Associate Director of I+D+i at INIA (Soria)
University of Navarra

Biography :

He is a Professor of Nutrition, chairman of the Institute of Nutrition at the University of Navarra since 2002. Associate Director of I+D+i at INIA (Soria). Member of the Scientific Advisory Group for the 7th EU framework, ILSi, Académico Correspondiente Real Academia de Farmacia.(Royal Academy of Pharmacy, Spain), Secretary of the Federation of European Nutrition Societies (FENS 2003-2007), Spanish Federation of Nutrition, Food and Dietetics (FESNAD president 2005-2010).Member of the IUNS Council (2005-), President-elect of International Union of Nutritional Sciences (2013-), President of ISNN (2014-). Nutrigenomics NUMBER OF PUBLICATIONS with ISBN> Over 500. BOOKS AND CHAPTERS> Over 50, INVITED SPEAKER> Over 100 lectures at international and national level (selected forum).

Research Interest :

Nutritional control of metabolism, Nutritional utilization of functional foods, Evaluation of nutritional status in different populations Nutrition and immunity ,Obesity: cell, animal and human intervention and epidemiological studies, Consumer surveys, Long-distance learning