Editorial Board

Prof. Dr. Daniela Martins de Souza

Prof. Dr. Daniela Martins de Souza
Faculty of Pindamonhangaba (FAPI)
University Christian Life Foundation(FUNVIC)

Biography :

Graduated in DENTISTRY the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1995), Master in Dental Clinic in the field of periodontics at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2001) and PhD in Oral Biopathology Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (2006).Professor of FUNVIC-Faculty of Pindamonhangaba, since February 2005, working in the disciplines of laboratory periodontics, dental radiology, dental diagnosis and integrated clinic. Reviser of periodicals: Brazilian Society of Periodontology, Journal of Periodontology, Disease Markers, Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research and Archives of Oral Biology. In addition to the regular International Knowledge Press and Sciencedomain International. Chief Editor of the journal Science and Health online.Member of the Board of Global Editorial Journal of Oral Science and International Journal of Advance in Medical Science. Experience in research with an emphasis on periodontics and Radiology, acting on the following topics: radiographic techniques, alveolar bone loss in rats associated with consumption of ethanol, estrogen deficiency and diabetes mellitus. And the influence of alcohol consumption in the periodontium, long bones, salivary glands, and dental caries in rats.

Research Interest :

Periodontal Disease, Periodontal Medicine, Periodontal Surgery,Periimplantitis.Oral Biopathology, Dental radiology, Radiographic techniques, Computerized Tomographic Bone Density Changes.