Articles - Press

Pericapsular Nerve Group Block versus Fascia Iliaca Block for Hip Fracture Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Khaireddine Raddaoui, Karima Zoghkami, Oussama Nasri, Emna Trigui, Tahani Hanachi, Sami Bahroun and Olfa Kaabachi*
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Clinical Concepts of High‑Flow Oxygenation Therapy
Ali Jabbari*, Shabnam Tabasi and Behrang Nooralishahi
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The Effects of the Near-Infrared Spectroscopy on Postoperative Neurocognitive Functions
Abdullah Yalçın, Tülin Gümüş, Ayça Tuba Dumanlı Özcan* and Serdar Süleyman Can
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Low Dose Bupivacaine versus Prilocaine Regarding Hemodynamic Stability and Safety in Geriatrics: A Randomized, Double-Blind Comparative Study
Mohamed Ahmed Shawky*, Mohamed Ahmed Hamed, Yasser Salem Mostafa, Doaa Lotfy Abd El Baky and Omar Sayed Farghaly
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