Editorial Board

Prof. Alo Liliweri

Prof. Alo Liliweri
Department of Sociology
Nusa Cendana University

Biography :

Prof. Dr. Alo Liliweri, M.S. (born in East Flores, June 19, 1957; age 61 years) is an Indonesian teacher. After completing the Bachelor of Public Administration in the Undana Faculty of Administrative Sciences in 1984, he became a teaching staff at his alma mater. In 1989 he continued his master's degree in communication science at the Post-Graduate Faculty of Padjadjaran University (Unpad) Bandung and obtained his Master of Science degree on May 2, 1991. In the same year he continued his doctoral program studies at Unpad, on January 29, 1994 he earned a doctorate in communication with Judicium Cumlaude under the promoter Prof. DR. Santoso Hamidjojo, MSc, Prof. DR. Yudistira K. Garna and Prof. Drs. Onong Uchjana Effendy, MA (late).

Research Interest :

Since 1991 until now continues to write the Interpersonal Communication Book is the first book published in 1991 which was reprinted in 1997. Several other books are: Understanding the Role of Mass Communication in Society (1991), Fundamentals of Advertising Communication (1992), Verbal Communication and Non Verbal (1994), Theoretical Perspective of Interpersonal Communication (1994), Organizational Sociology (1997) which are all published by Citra Aditya Bakti Publisher, Bandung.