Editorial Board

Prof. Fernando Navarro-Garcia

Prof. Fernando Navarro-Garcia
Departamento de Biologia Celular (Cell Biology)
Center for Research and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV)

Biography :

Dr. Fernando Navarro-Garcia is Professor of Cell Biology Department at CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico. He is member of the Mexican Academy of Science and the National System of Researchers. He is member of editorial boards and reviewer ad hoc of several journals. He is reviewer of scientific proposals from Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Israel, Uruguay, etc.

Research Interest :

Dr. Navarro-Garcia works on the roles of gut epithelial barrier function in bacterial infections (pathogenesis and mucosal immunity), specifically in interaction epithelial cell-enteropathogen: receptors/cytoskeleton/ trafficking/mucosal antibodies/cytokines/immune cells.