Articles - Archives

Volume: 1   Issue: 2

JUNE 2018

Sources of Aflatoxin Exposure in Kisumu County, Kenya
MI Obade*, P Andang’o, C Obonyo and F Lusweti
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Enzymatic Synthesis DE sn2-Monoacylglycerols: A Mini-Review
Paz Garcia-Garcia, Sonia Moreno-Perez, Jose M. Guisan and Gloria Fernandez-Lorente*
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Pushing HSI to the Limit for the Quantification of Peanut Traces in Bulk Powder Foods
Pilar Barreiro*, Belén Diezma, Teresa R. Cuadrado Dominguez, Inés María López-Calleja, Lourdes Lleó, Ana Herrero-Langreo, Puneet Mishra, Satyabrata Ghosh, Eva Cristina Correa, Teresa García, Nathalie Gorretta, SitiNurHidayah Mohamad, Pablo Delgado Sánchez, Facundo Ruiz, Christophe B.Y. Cordell, Douglas N. Rutled, Jean Michel Roger, Rosario Martínde Santos and Margarita Ruiz-Altisent
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Wheat Straw Biomass and its Anatomical Characteristics SeyedHamidreza Ghaffar1*
SeyedHamidreza Ghaffar*
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