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The study used twelve year recorded data’s analysis for milk yield and
composition of Holstein Friesian crossbred dairy cows in Holleta agricultural
research center dairy farm. Data’s were summarized and categorized based on
season, exotic blood level (genotype), parity and lactation stages. The
summarized data’s were season (219 wet, 1055 dry), exotic blood level (1, 117
for 50%, 115 for 62.5% and 42 for >75%), Parity (474 for parity-2, 356
parity-3, 270 for parity-4 and 174 for parity-5), Lactation stage (483 for
early, 445 for mid and 346 for late). Analysis of means and standard errors of
mean for the parameter studied was estimated using SAS. The General Linear
Model was utilized for analyses of variance of data on average monthly milk
yield and milk composition for the effects of season, parity, Friesian cross
blood level and stages of lactation. Season significantly affected milk yield,
fat and protein percentage composition. Higher yield and fat % composition
record in dry season whereas higher protein% during wet season. Genotype
significantly affected milk yield where yield of 62.5% and >75% crossbred
cows were significantly higher than that of 50% crossbred cows. Difference in
dam Parity significantly affected milk yield and protein content of milk where
higher milk yield and protein content was recorded in dam parity five. An
increasing trend observed in milk yield and protein content as dam parity advances.
Mean monthly milk yield, percent of protein and total solid was varied
significantly between different lactation stages where protein and Total solid
percentage was significantly higher in late stages of lactation. In overall
milk yield was significantly affected by season, genotype, parity and stages of
lactation but it is negatively correlated with the percentage of fat, protein
and total solid. Season, parity and stages of lactation significantly affected
protein content of milk whereas milk composition strongly correlated with each
The research study used data’s of Holleta Agricultural Research Centre
dairy Farm, in the central high lands of Ethiopia. Holleta agriculture Research
center Dairy farm was established for research work. The farm has pure boran
breed and its cross with different crosses level of Holstein Friesian.
It is located in central highland of Oromia special zone surrounding
Addis Ababa at latitude of 38°30’ E, 9°3’ N and 29 km west of Addis Ababa on
high way to Ambo. It has an altitude of 2400 m above sea level and receives
mean annual rain fall of 1100 mm with bimodal distribution 70% of which occurs
during the main rainy season (June to September) and 30% during the small rainy
season (February to April) and the annual temperature of 11-22°C with relative
humidity of 50.4%. The soil type in the area is largely nitosol and major crops
grown are teff, wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, oil crops and pulses.
Record data analysis of Holeta
Agricultural Research Centre Dairy Farm
The data for this study was taken from Holleta Agricultural Research
Center dairy farm. Twelve years records of Holstein Friesian crossbred cows
were used for analysis. Lactation records of cows having their second up to
fifth calving between 2003 and 2014 were used for analysis. The effects of season,
parity, genotype (exotic cross blood level) and lactation stage on milk yield
and milk composition were evaluated. Data for analysis were classified
according to season, genotype (exotic cross blood level), lactation stage and
parity. On the basis of main prevailing climatic conditions, the year was
classified into two seasons, the wet season from June to September in which the
area gets its major rainfall and the dry season from October to May which
receives small rainfall. Those data records in these two seasons were used to
see the effect of season on milk parameters. To see the effects of lactation
stages on milk parameters, data’s were categorized into three stages of
lactation (Early stage of lactation: 7-105 days; Mid-stage of lactation: 106 to
210 days; Late stage of lactation: above 211 days). The data’s were further
divided into 4 categories viz 2, 3, 4 and 5 parity to study the effect of
parity on milk parameters. Cows were also categorized based on their genotype
(exotic cross blood level) viz 50%, 62.5% and ≥ 75% exotic blood level to study
the effect genotype on milk parameters.
The effects of season, parity, lactation stage and exotic cross level
on milk production and compositions will be examined using least square
technique of fitting constants.
Analysis of means and standard errors of mean for the traits studied
was estimated using SAS 9.1 of 2008. The General Linear Model (GLM) will be
utilized for variance analyses of data on average daily milk yield, including
the effects of season, parity, Friesian cross blood level, stages of lactation
and the interactions between these effects. Differences will be considered
significant at P<0.05. The following model will be used to test:
Yijkl=µ + ai + bj + ck + dl
+ abij + acik + adil + bcjk + bdjl
+ cdlk + abcijkl + eijkl
In which,
Yijkl=The daily milk yield
μ=The overall mean
ai=The effect of season (i=dry, rainy season)
bj=The effect of Friesian blood level (j=50%, 62.5%, 75%)
ck=The effect of the dams parity (k=2, 3, 4, 5)
dl=Effect of stage of lactation(l= Early, Mid and Late)
abij, acik, bcjk, adil, bdjl,
cdlk abcijk the respective interactions between the main
effects and eijkl of the random residual effect. The interaction
effect will be considered if the main effects are significant.
This paper was tried to show the effect of season, blood level of
Holstein Friesian cross, parity and stages of lactation on milk yield and
composition. These were:
Effects of season on milk yield
and composition of dairy cows
The effects of season on milk yield and milk composition of dairy cows
are presented in Table 1. A
significant mean difference (p<0.05) was observed in milk yield, percent of
fat and protein due to season. Higher yield and percent fat was recorded during
dry season but for protein during wet season. As result of this study season
didn’t significantly affect milk percentage composition of total solid.
Opposing to this finding, Baset et al. [12] reported that season didn’t affect
milk yield. Similar finding were reported by Sharma et al. [10] that the
overall mean for fat content of milk were 4.53 percent which was almost
similar(4.66) with this study. Contrary to this Sharma et al. [10] also reported
that TS content varied among seasons being highest in winter. In contrast to
this study in the same location, Mesfin and Getachew [13] reported higher milk
fat content from milk sampled in July to September. The same study also
reported finding which agrees with this finding that Friesian crossbred dairy
cows have shown high protein content in milk during rainy season. Similar
results were reported by Cheruiyot et al. [14] that fat content was
significantly higher (3.97 + 0.24%) in the dry season than in the wet season
(2.59 + 0.24%)whereas Casein (protein) content was higher in milk sampled in
the wet season (3.27 + 0.06%) than in the dry season (2.88 + 0.06%). Similar
study also reported that TS contents were not affected by the month of
sampling. Similar results were reported by that the milk protein level in the
hot month was less than wet season due to the decrease in the casein. Contrary
to this earlier study in the same location by Mesfin and Getachew [13] reported
that milk total solids content of Boran-Friesian crossbred dairy cows was
highest in July to September and the lowest in January to March.
The effects of genotype on milk yield and composition of dairy cows are
presented in Table 1.
Milk yield of 62.5% and >75% crossbred cows were significantly
higher than that of 50% crossbred cows. Average monthly milk yield of cows of
50%, 62.5% and >75% crossbred were 215.59, 231.09 and 232.81 liters,
respectively, which differed significantly (p<0.05). Though there was no
significant differences in milk components, milk protein of 62.5% crossbred
cows was lower in figure than the other. Mesfin and Getachew [13] and Turki et
al. [15] finding agrees with this study on milk yield that high merit cows had
the highest yield of milk, whereas the low merit cows had the lowest yield of
milk fat, protein, and lactose concentrations. Similar finding were reported by
that in the highland climatic zone, the mean MYL for cows with 50 percent B. taurus genes was 2.6 times higher
than that of the indigenous cows and cows with exotic inheritance of 75 percent
B. taurus genes showed almost a
similar performance, with an MYL 2.7 times higher than that of local cows.
Similar finding was reported Nantapo [16] where milk yield and fat content of
milk differ in in different Genotypic. On contrary to this study Haile et al.
[17] and Islam et al. [18] reported that increasing the proportion of exotic
genes in a cow leads to decreased milk component levels.
Effects of parity on milk yield
and composition of dairy cows
The effects of parity on milk yield and composition of dairy cows are
presented in Table 1.
Difference in Parity of cow significantly (p<0.05) affected milk
yield and protein content of milk. Significantly higher milk yield and protein
content was recorded on dam parity five. An increasing trend observed in milk
yield and protein content as dam parity advances. Similarly Bath et al. [19]
finding justified this, where an increase in milk yield with the increasing age
was partially attributed to higher body weight, whereas the remaining 20% is
the result of increased development of the udder during recurring pregnancies
which results in larger mass of digestive system and mammary glands for
synthesis of milk. Almost similar results were reported by Niraj et al. [20]
where mean lactation milk yield was found to be 2503.6 ± 76.8 L (242.9 ± 2.6
L/month). In agreement with this study Afzal et al. [21] reported that parity
significantly affected milk production where more milk in cows with greater
parities than those with lesser parities. Lee and Kim [22] also reported
finding in agreement with this results that there is an increase in milk yield
towards 5th parity and decline thereafter.
Effects of stage of lactation
on milk yield and composition of dairy cows
The least squares means (LSM) of milk yield and composition of the
different stages of lactation crossbred dairy cows in Holleta agricultural
research center of dairy farms is indicated in Table 1. Mean monthly milk yield was varied significantly
(p<0.01) between different lactation stages. As lactation stage advances
there was decreasing in milk yield and increasing states of total solid % and
protein. In agreement with this Baset et al. [12] study reported highest milk
yield was observed in the early lactation stage while the lowest yield was
recorded in late stages of lactation. Although, the fat percentage composition
was not significantly affected by advancing lactation stages there is an
increasing trend of figures. Similar result was reported by Natapo [16] that
record of highest milk yield in the early lactation stage and lowest yield in
late lactation. Mahmoud et al. [23] reported similar results higher milk yield
in the early lactation stage then it decreased gradually until the end of
lactation. Mushtaq and Subhan [24] finding reported similarly for higher yield
in early lactation but differently vise-versa for mid and late lactation in
milk yield.
Interaction effect of seasons,
genotype, parity and lactation stage on milk yield and composition of dairy
In overall from the findings it can be concluded as milk yields of cows
were significantly affected by season, exotic gene blood level, dam parity and
lactation stage. Season influenced Fat and protein percentage. Season, parity
and lactation stage significantly influenced milk protein percent whereas Fat%
was more significantly affected by season. Milk yield and fat% significantly
influenced due to interaction of season with genotype whereas interaction of
parity with lactation stage significantly influenced percent for total solid of
milk. Moreover milk yield negatively correlated with the percentage of fat,
protein and TS. The percentage of fat positively correlated with the percentage
of protein and Total solid and vise-versa.
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- Journal of Agriculture and Forest Meteorology Research (ISSN:2642-0449)
- Journal of Womens Health and Safety Research (ISSN:2577-1388)
- Food and Nutrition-Current Research (ISSN:2638-1095)
- Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine (ISSN:2641-6948)
- Journal of Genomic Medicine and Pharmacogenomics (ISSN:2474-4670)
- Journal of Microbiology and Microbial Infections (ISSN: 2689-7660)
- Advances in Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology Research (ISSN: 2688-5476)