Open Access Journals
SciTech Central is an Open Access Journals publisher is proving our best abilities in the provision of Science, Technology and Medicine’s Open Access content.
SciTech Central not only enhance the experience among the scientific community but also, established with a sole motive to distribute data, bring awareness and supply best quality literature to the developing world and.
An Open Access Journals permits us to achieve several readers and provides access to scientific publications - online, free of charge without any barrier; and we are making our best efforts for the same.
We are contributing to the enlightenment of thoughts and ideas which remain captive in the traditional model of publication, with the practice of this Open Access Journals Publication. As the tagline, “quantum to research” says, we are moving ahead with a great acceleration of 21st century and the vast global research scenario to ensure maximise distribution of enhanced developments to the world and also the entire scientific community.
SciTech Central is an integration of great researchers and students who are constantly working for the betterment of human race with their dedication in research. In Open Access Journals Publications, we are accelerating ahead to become one of the leading service providers, consisting a large vary of International academic Journals.
SciTech Central has decided to work and support the scientific community across the world by the publication of high quality research work in the International Journals blooket.
SciTech Central publishes their work under the terms of the creative Commons Attribution License and supports Bethesda Statement on Open Access publications.
Journal of Immunology Research and Therapy (ISSN:2472-727X)
Food and Nutrition-Current Research (ISSN:2638-1095)
Dermatology Clinics and Research (ISSN:2380-5609)
Journal of Genomic Medicine and Pharmacogenomics (ISSN:2474-4670)
Stem Cell Research and Therapeutics (ISSN:2474-4646)
Journal of Clinical Trials and Research (ISSN:2637-7373)
Journal of Neurosurgery Imaging and Techniques (ISSN:2473-1943)
BioMed Research Journal (ISSN:2578-8892)
35th World Summit on COVID-19 (Part VI)
35th World Summit on COVID-19 (Part VI) SciTech Central COVID-19 December 14-15, 2022
Latest Updates - Novel Corona Virus-2019Latest updates about the Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19)
Prof. Ashraf Tag-Eldeen, Professor of Hotel Management, Alexandria University, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Alexandria, Egypt.
It is a great pleasure and privilege to be a member of the reviewing team for this prestigious journal. The current circumstances for tourism, hospitality and the world economy dictate a lot of responsibility for both academics and practitioners. Every single person on earth has been affected from many aspects. The outbreak of Covid-19 epidemic has seriously affected the airline industry, travel, tourism and the hospitality. Unfortunately, this impact will hang about for some time to come. We are very much challenged by dealing with the aftermath of consequences; business-wise and professional-wise.In the final analysis, while the current situation represents a real threat to our industry, it is also an opportunity to work hard towards new trends, products and services. I encourage you along with the editing team to have your own contribution in this respect either from an academic perspective or a practical one. -
Prof Dr. Burhan Alomari, PhD / USA Business Administration / Tourism and Sports management.
Working with Journal of Economics, Business and Market Research as an Editorial of Board, it was a true pleasure for me to be one of the reviewer team. The publication process was quick and efficient, with critical feedback provided through peer review, and timely response rates to emails. I appreciate the level of organization, and will surely be publishing with this journal also. -
Dr. Rasoul Nikbakhti, School of Engineering & ICT, University of Tasmania, Australia.
I would like to inform all researchers that the “Journal of Chemical Science and Engineering” is one of the most excellent research journals in the field of science as well as engineering. It is a great honour for me cooperating with the journal. I am pleased to invite interested researchers to collaborate with the journal. -
Prof. Elgohary Mohamed Elgohary, Professor of Neurosurgery, Former Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery, Kasr Alainy School of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo Egypt.
I am honored to be a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Medical and Clinical Imaging. I highly recommend this highly evolving journal for researcher and clinician to make it their platform of choice to publish their researches and clinical observations.
Dr. Armin Vahdat, Researcher, Nano Technology-Materials Science, Semnan University Iran
Its my honor to be one of the editorial board member of Advances in Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology Research”(2688-5476). I recommend this journal to scientists and studentsbecause it provides a simple and fast way to share your researches with other scientist and researchers. -
Prof. Ahmed Sultan, Chairman & Director, Alexandria University, Egypt.
I am happy to write these few lines to describe my excellent experience with the Stem cell Research and Therapeutics and my first experience with it was very satisfying. I had the privilege to serve as a reviewer for the Stem cell Research and Therapeutics on several occasions. In addition, I am also serving as an Editorial board member as well. I had an extremely positive experience with Stem cell Research and Therapeutics from both sides. The editorial communications at every step of the process and the speed and efficiency of the review process was fantastic. On this occasion I would like to thank the editorial staff for their hard work, their efforts were highly appreciated. I pleased to continue being part of the Stem cell Research and Therapeutics community and I will definitely consider it for future submissions from my lab and with collaborators.
Prof. Marvin J Fritzler PhD MD, Professor: Cumming School of Medicine Director: MitogenDx, University of Calgary, Canada.
I am honored to be a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Rheumatology Research (JRR) (ISSN: 2641-6999). Over the past two years, I have watched the journal evolve into its present status of listing in the National Laboratory of Medicine Catalogue (NLM ID: 101764777). From personal experience, JRR has great leadership in Dr. Greg Tsay and a very efficient and accommodating editorial staff led by Dr. Monica Grace. JRR has a notably quick peer review system and time to publication. The finished publication product boasts a first-rate style and format. I highly recommend JRR as the journal of choice for publication of your original rheumatology research and clinical observations.
Dr. (Prof). D. K. Agarwal, Senior Consultant, Nephrology Indraprastha Apollo hospitals, New Delhi, INDIA
Journal of Immunology Research and Therapy provides latest and excellent information to all of us.
Prof. Jeng-Hsien Yen, Professor & Head, Division of Rheumatology Department of Internal Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, TAIWAN
The Journal of Rheumatology Research is a platform for young investigators to publish their research results, and offers a valuable chance to exchange insights with other scientists around the world. This journal also grants young investigators recognition and exposure in this field of study. -
Dr. Damaris Hodelin Fuentes MD, Investigator and Ophthalmology Resident at Ophthalmology Department of the General Hospital, Cuba.
I feel really thankful for work with SciTech Central. I found that they are well organized, punctual, updated and have their science knowledge based on literature. They concern about the scientificcommunity, authors, readers, students, and everyone. Their work is really relevant. -
Prof. Ramesh C Gupta, Former Vice Chancellor, R B University and Former Pro Vice Chancellor, Nagaland University, India
I feel happy to go through the Journals it seems to a effective tool to contribute, extend and enlarge our knowledge to world scientific community and beyond. -
Dr. Theophile Nana Njamen, Senior Researcher, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Buea, Cameroon.
I am very grateful to be part of the prestigious members of the journal (Archive of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine) which is a credible platform for the publication of valuable researches.Let us join to improve the Reproductive Health in the World. -
Dr. Asha B, Additional Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research, India.
The Journal of Women’s Health and Safety Research is a dedicated journal that delivers the recent advances and issues related to women. It is indeed great to be part of this journal as editorial member and had a good experience in peer reviewing the article. The journal has a transparent mechanism of submission of article which is checked for the relevance and then subjected to peer reviewing process which is execute professionally. The communication and article processing occurs rapidly and efficiently due to professional team. I look forward to have more quality interaction and also recommend JWHSR to my colleagues and collaboration. -
Dr. Rajiv Kumar Chawla, Consultant in Department of Microbiology in Delhi Heart Institute & Multispecialty Hospital, India.
I honestly recognize the services of Premier Publishers, International Journal of Radiography Imaging & Radiation Therapy is a very unique journal in the world of publication. I have been impressed by the charge of my articles it is very reasonable. I have sensitized to my colleagues to publish their articles. -
Dr. Chhanda Das, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, IPGME&R, India.
This esteemed Journal of Pathology and Toxicology Research is a platform for young researchers to express their knowledge in the field of pathology and toxicology and also in molecular pathology. The very purpose of this journal is to enrich the world with recent advances in this aspect. Publishing articles in this journal is a very much global scientific approach. -
Dr. Mutaz Elshiekh, Associate Professor, AHFAD Center for Science and Technology, Sudan
I came to contact the SciTech Central group “Advances in Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology Research” over the last two years in a process of publication of some papers and attending a conference in Tokyo-Japan as a speaker on the last October 2019.Soon I found that they are independent, punctual, well organized, updated and have their science knowledge based on literature. Affiliation that SciTech Central group to my name helped me so much in being promoted to an associate professor.The name of this group is well known among the other relevant research centers and I can categorize them as one of the best three working groups in the same field. With no doubt i advise all the researchers from all over the world to cooperate with this honorable group. -
Dr .Lakshmi Agarwal, MBBS,MD, Faculty and Consultant Pathologist, Government Medical College, Kota Pushpadi Cancer Care Centre, Kota Rajasthan, India
Stem cell research and therapeutics journal is of high-quality indexed journal. The publication process is very fast and efficient. The whole team works in remarkable professionalism and efficiency. It provides a very good platform for the young researchers to submit their work as the guidelines and submission process is very simple and easy. The reviewer comments helped the author to improve the quality of their work. I would surely recommend this journal to all my colleague. -
Prof. W.A.S. Abomaye-Nimenibo, Professor of Economics Director (Dean), Postgraduate Studies, Obong University, Nigeria.
SciTech Open Access Journals is a conglomeration of different journals that has proved to be one of the best in the world for its proficiency having qualified Professors as their pier reviewers as well as their editors.SciTech is truly an integration of great researchers and students who are constantly working for the betterment of the human race with their dedication in research. They have so many journals under their fleet and command. SciTech creates high-tech awareness and supplies best quality literature to the developing world. They are fantastic, thorough and down to earth. I have no reservation in recommending this journal to the World to give them a trial which I believe will convince you. Hurry and do not delay in grabbing this rare opportunity to publish your article. -
Prof. Hans-Uwe Dahms, Full Professor and D.Sc., KMU - Kaohsiung Medical University, Dept. of Biomedical Science and Environmental Biology, Kaohsiung,Taiwan
My name is Hans-Uwe Dahms and I am a Professor at the Kaohsiung Medical University (Taiwan). I feel honored to be a member on the editorial Board of the esteemed journal “BioMed Research Journal - International Journals SciTech Central Inc., USA. My experience as a member of the editorial board were always positive and personally enriching. I would like to strongly encourage you to consider submitting your article for publication in the BioMed Research Journal. The staff will take care of all formal burden and support you with varia. -
Prof. Michel Goldberg, Professeur Emerite, Biomedicale des Saints Peres Universite Paris Descartes, France.
There are more and more scientific international journals, but this one is among the bests.I would recommend to researchers to send articles and doing so, reach a large audience, and diffuse their knowledge to the scientific community.In Paris, with the Coronavirus, we exchange with colleagues through the telephone, and mails and avoid to catch the virus, survive and contribute to progress in basic and medical sciencesit is beneficial for us to have these vehicles and therefore we are able to exchange and add to the basic science. -
Dr. Mukhles Al-Ababneh, Associate Professor, Department of Hotel and Tourism Management, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Jordan.
My name is Mukhles Al-Ababneh and I am an Associate Professor in Hospitality and Tourism Management at the Department of Hotel and Tourism Management, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (Jordan). I feel honored to be a member on the editorial Board of the esteemed journal “International Journal of Tourism & Hotel Business Management (IJTHBM)”. My experience as a member of the editorial board has been very positive and enriching as well. I have recently undertaken a collaboration as an author with this prestigious Journal. I would like to strongly encourage you to consider submitting your article for publication in the International Journal of Tourism & Hotel Business Management (IJTHBM).
Dr. Zorawar Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, Khalsa College, Amritsar Punjab, India.
As an editorial member of the journal, I have experienced that the journal is expanding in scope and becoming more inclusive to attract a wider audience in the field of nanotechnology. Both the submission and reviewing processes are simple and rapid. The reviewers are eminent personalities in the field of nano-science from all-over the globe. Its a great experience to work with such a great team.
Prof. Dr. Alain L. Fymat, Founding Chair, President/CEO and Professor, International Institute of Medicine & Science Inc., USA.
I would like to strongly encourage you to consider submitting your article for publication in the Journal of Cancer Science Treatment (JCST)). Whether your article reports on your unpublished research, review or mini-review, short communication, commentary, opinion, case report, or even an editorial letter, it will find its appropriate place in JCST. JCST is an open access peer-reviewed Journal of high-quality standards. It is accredited by most professional publishing organizations. Its publication charges are fair and reasonable and tailored to the economic status of the authors country. I have myself published in JCST and am extremely satisfied by the support I received from the editorial office, their timely peer review process, and the quality of the Journal. I highly recommend that you peruse through their website and ascertain for yourself the quality of their product. I hope you will join me in contributing to this promising Journal and ensuring its bright future. -
Dr. Anubha Bajaj, Self-employed, Histopathologist, India.
This is to specify that I have had an extensive and detailed interaction with the Editorial team of the BioMed Research Journal, International Journals, Sci Tech Central Inc, USA, lasting over a significant period of time. My interaction has been extremely pleasant, especially with DrMitchel Steve, as I find the communication quite inspiring and crystal clear. The attitude of aforesaid individuals is quite helpful and guiding in pertinent instances. It has been a commemorative journey so far working with the Journal and I hope that the symbiosis will continue, evolve and flourish in the forthcoming years.I wish the journal, related personnel and aforementioned individuals afruitful, successful run. -
Dr. Avani Oke, Ph.D( Nursing), Principal, K.J. Somaiya College of Nursing, India.
I feel honored to be a member on the editorial Board of the esteemed journal,”Journal of Nursing and Occupational Health.” I have seen that the articles published go through a strict scrutiny and the stress is more to ensure that the journal maintain quality in the articles that are published. The review process is simple, straightforward and provides a choice and time for the editorial team to do their job. The journal has expanded in their horizon and have become more inclusive. This hasresulted in attracting a wider audience. The journal has shown improvement in qualityand enhanced the impact. My experience as a member of the editorial board has beenvery positive and enriching as well. I wish that the journal keeps on achieving greater heights and continuously makes efforts to ensure that it changes with the changing societal needs. -
Dr. Benedict David, Former Director, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila - Graduate School of Business, Philippines
I am a young and thriving researcher with savvy and enthusiasm to learn multiple cultures and knowledge around the globe. Being a part of this journal as an international Editorial Board greatly fulfills that certain dream of mine. Each time I review studies and articles makes me learn more about not only in research, more so about the diversities of cultures and life, per se.
Dr. Claudine Kumba, Medical Doctor, Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care, Universite de Paris, France.
International Journal of Anaesthesia and Research is an open access journal which has the aim ofpublishing original articles in the field of anesthesia and critical care. Articles issued from clinicalanesthesia and critical care, clinical and experimental research are welcome. Innovating topics areencouraged in order to promote anesthesia and critical care. Sharing clinical and researchexperiences are also goals of this journal.My domains of research are pediatric anesthesia and critical care where a lot of fields needdevelopment such as goal directed fluid and hemodynamic therapy, transfusion goal directedprotocols and enhanced recovery after surgery. I am aiming to share with the scientific communitythe future results of this research. As with every research, time is one of the precious factors among others.International Journal of Anaesthesia and Research will help you to share your research and clinicalexperiences with the scientific community peers. -
Prof. Asaad Y. Ayied, Animal Production Department, College of Agriculture, University of Basrah Basrah, Iraq
As a peer-reviewed academic journal, the Journal of Veterinary and Marine Sciences provides an opportunity to researchers and scientist to explore the developments in the field of veterinary, animal and marine sciences and other emerging areas of research that extend our view of biological diversities of living species. These include, but not limited to, veterinary, breeding, biological, biomarker research and targeted drug development. As a member of the Editorial Board for the journal, I strongly encourage investigators consider this high-quality open access platform for rapid communication of their cutting-edge research progress and discovery. -
Prof. Maria Silvia Avi, Department of Business Administration and Cost Analysis, Management Department of University of Venice, Italy.
My name is Maria Silvia Avi and I am Full Professor in Business Administration and Cost Analysis at Management Department of University of Venice (Italy). I read the articles of this prestigiousInternational Journal of Tourism & Hotel Business Management since its constitution. I have always read articles of high scientific rigor and unsurpassed clarity. These articles greatly help both academics and professionals to understand a multiplicity of issues related to hospitality. I have recently undertaken a collaboration as an author with this prestigious Journal and I hope that this is only the beginning of a fruitful collaboration as I consider the International Journal of Tourism; Hotel Business Management to be of high cultural impact and of extreme relevance in the field of hospitality studies. -
Dr. Phongpisanu Boonda, Chief of Research, Texts, and International Affairs, Sirindhorn College of Public Health Phitsanulok Praboromarajchanok Institute for Health Workforce Development, Thailand
It is a good starting point for becoming a quality journal, in the near future International Journal of Clinical Case Studies & Reports will certainly be one of the leading journals.I am impressed that I have participated in this. It was a great experience with the quality that the International Journal of Clinical Case Studies & Reports has provided.There are several things that can be mentioned but I will stop here with the note that I am looking forward to working on another issue with this journal in the future.Contributed article: Process of Research and Development in Public Health. -
Dr. Raheleh Farahani, Researcher, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Bu Ali Sina University, Iran
Advances in Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology Research journal is highly reputable and has high standards in the field of Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology. The purpose of the journal is to advance nanoscience and ultimately to serve humanity. Let’s all join the global scientific community together by publishing an article in this journal.
Prof. Kulvinder Kochar Kaur, Scientific Director, Dr. Kulvinder Kaur Centre For Human Reproduction, Jalandhar, Punjab, India
This is to certify that I have been working as a reviewer with the Editorial Assistants of so many Journals of SciTech Central Inc., USA.
Prof. Attapon Cheepsattayakorn, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand
As an Reviewer of the this journal and the Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Allergy Research, SciTech Central Publishers, USA, it is my great pleasure and feel very proud to work with the staff of this much impressively qualified academic journal. Our journals regularly provides quick and excellent handling of the manuscript. The peer review is excellent, constructive and invaluable addressing significant problems within the manuscripts, and ofcourse our technical expertise is quite competent. Publishing with this journal and the Journal of Allergy Research, SciTech Central Publishers, including other journals of the SciTech Central Publishers is perfect-quick editorial decision, rapid editing of the proofs and helpful communication. The speed and ease with which the review process is unrolled are appreciated by our authors. Very useful interactive References are suggested by our Reviewers that can save a lot of the author(s) time; this also allows making the author(s) work better argumented and stylistically improved. All our services provided by this journal, Journal of Allergy Research and other journals of the SciTech Central Publishers ’ editorial office(s) are prompt and perfectly clear. With our excellent journal management, I strongly hope that our journal(s) will get it more indexing in the world standardized databases.
Prof. Mahmoud Mohamed Elalfy , Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt
The research of solution for worldwide problems need cooperation, believing, change in health laws in the world, avoid neglection of any alarm and the research of the solution could start from a case report and then ensured by in vitro, in vivo and clinical studies.
Dr. Sandeep V. Binorkar, Deptartment of Agadatantra & Vyavahara Ayurveda, R.A. Podar Medical College, India
I have been associated with the Journal of Pathology and Toxicology Research since around a year and my experience has been of extreme high quality. The intellectual productions, the review processes, and the published works are at par with any other ranked academic journals on the subject. The journal has an exceptional aspects covering logical advancement in the fields of Pathology and Toxicology. I believe that as long as unwavering publications are provided by the journal, the journal can increase impact factors gradually.
The journal can have a better shape in the future as long as it comforts editors and focuses on specific therapeutic research areas in each issue. As a member of the Editorial Board, I would like to encourage fellow researchers to submit their work for publication in the journal. -
Dr. Hassan Mohammadi Nevisi, Associate Professor at Selinus University of Sciences and Literature, Iran
For scientists, researchers, scholars and those who are knowledgeable, nothing is more interesting and sweeter than research and writing. I can boldly say that there is no pleasure in the world like thinking and writing. But reflecting and showing these thoughts is also a very important issue. Another important point is how we display our research. In other words, choosing the first-class journal and choosing a strong team is very effective in this regard.
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35th World Summit on COVID-19 (Part VI)
35th World Summit on COVID-19 (Part VI) SciTech Central COVID-19 December 14-15, 2022
Latest Updates - Novel Corona Virus-2019Latest updates about the Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19)
Prof. Ashraf Tag-Eldeen, Professor of Hotel Management, Alexandria University, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Alexandria, Egypt.
It is a great pleasure and privilege to be a member of the reviewing team for this prestigious journal. The current circumstances for tourism, hospitality and the world economy dictate a lot of responsibility for both academics and practitioners. Every single person on earth has been affected from many aspects. The outbreak of Covid-19 epidemic has seriously affected the airline industry, travel, tourism and the hospitality. Unfortunately, this impact will hang about for some time to come. We are very much challenged by dealing with the aftermath of consequences; business-wise and professional-wise.In the final analysis, while the current situation represents a real threat to our industry, it is also an opportunity to work hard towards new trends, products and services. I encourage you along with the editing team to have your own contribution in this respect either from an academic perspective or a practical one. -
Prof Dr. Burhan Alomari, PhD / USA Business Administration / Tourism and Sports management.
Working with Journal of Economics, Business and Market Research as an Editorial of Board, it was a true pleasure for me to be one of the reviewer team. The publication process was quick and efficient, with critical feedback provided through peer review, and timely response rates to emails. I appreciate the level of organization, and will surely be publishing with this journal also. -
Dr. Rasoul Nikbakhti, School of Engineering & ICT, University of Tasmania, Australia.
I would like to inform all researchers that the “Journal of Chemical Science and Engineering” is one of the most excellent research journals in the field of science as well as engineering. It is a great honour for me cooperating with the journal. I am pleased to invite interested researchers to collaborate with the journal. -
Prof. Elgohary Mohamed Elgohary, Professor of Neurosurgery, Former Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery, Kasr Alainy School of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo Egypt.
I am honored to be a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Medical and Clinical Imaging. I highly recommend this highly evolving journal for researcher and clinician to make it their platform of choice to publish their researches and clinical observations.
Dr. Armin Vahdat, Researcher, Nano Technology-Materials Science, Semnan University Iran
Its my honor to be one of the editorial board member of Advances in Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology Research”(2688-5476). I recommend this journal to scientists and studentsbecause it provides a simple and fast way to share your researches with other scientist and researchers. -
Prof. Ahmed Sultan, Chairman & Director, Alexandria University, Egypt.
I am happy to write these few lines to describe my excellent experience with the Stem cell Research and Therapeutics and my first experience with it was very satisfying. I had the privilege to serve as a reviewer for the Stem cell Research and Therapeutics on several occasions. In addition, I am also serving as an Editorial board member as well. I had an extremely positive experience with Stem cell Research and Therapeutics from both sides. The editorial communications at every step of the process and the speed and efficiency of the review process was fantastic. On this occasion I would like to thank the editorial staff for their hard work, their efforts were highly appreciated. I pleased to continue being part of the Stem cell Research and Therapeutics community and I will definitely consider it for future submissions from my lab and with collaborators.
Prof. Marvin J Fritzler PhD MD, Professor: Cumming School of Medicine Director: MitogenDx, University of Calgary, Canada.
I am honored to be a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Rheumatology Research (JRR) (ISSN: 2641-6999). Over the past two years, I have watched the journal evolve into its present status of listing in the National Laboratory of Medicine Catalogue (NLM ID: 101764777). From personal experience, JRR has great leadership in Dr. Greg Tsay and a very efficient and accommodating editorial staff led by Dr. Monica Grace. JRR has a notably quick peer review system and time to publication. The finished publication product boasts a first-rate style and format. I highly recommend JRR as the journal of choice for publication of your original rheumatology research and clinical observations.
Dr. (Prof). D. K. Agarwal, Senior Consultant, Nephrology Indraprastha Apollo hospitals, New Delhi, INDIA
Journal of Immunology Research and Therapy provides latest and excellent information to all of us.
Prof. Jeng-Hsien Yen, Professor & Head, Division of Rheumatology Department of Internal Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, TAIWAN
The Journal of Rheumatology Research is a platform for young investigators to publish their research results, and offers a valuable chance to exchange insights with other scientists around the world. This journal also grants young investigators recognition and exposure in this field of study. -
Dr. Damaris Hodelin Fuentes MD, Investigator and Ophthalmology Resident at Ophthalmology Department of the General Hospital, Cuba.
I feel really thankful for work with SciTech Central. I found that they are well organized, punctual, updated and have their science knowledge based on literature. They concern about the scientificcommunity, authors, readers, students, and everyone. Their work is really relevant. -
Prof. Ramesh C Gupta, Former Vice Chancellor, R B University and Former Pro Vice Chancellor, Nagaland University, India
I feel happy to go through the Journals it seems to a effective tool to contribute, extend and enlarge our knowledge to world scientific community and beyond. -
Dr. Theophile Nana Njamen, Senior Researcher, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Buea, Cameroon.
I am very grateful to be part of the prestigious members of the journal (Archive of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine) which is a credible platform for the publication of valuable researches.Let us join to improve the Reproductive Health in the World. -
Dr. Asha B, Additional Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research, India.
The Journal of Women’s Health and Safety Research is a dedicated journal that delivers the recent advances and issues related to women. It is indeed great to be part of this journal as editorial member and had a good experience in peer reviewing the article. The journal has a transparent mechanism of submission of article which is checked for the relevance and then subjected to peer reviewing process which is execute professionally. The communication and article processing occurs rapidly and efficiently due to professional team. I look forward to have more quality interaction and also recommend JWHSR to my colleagues and collaboration. -
Dr. Rajiv Kumar Chawla, Consultant in Department of Microbiology in Delhi Heart Institute & Multispecialty Hospital, India.
I honestly recognize the services of Premier Publishers, International Journal of Radiography Imaging & Radiation Therapy is a very unique journal in the world of publication. I have been impressed by the charge of my articles it is very reasonable. I have sensitized to my colleagues to publish their articles. -
Dr. Chhanda Das, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, IPGME&R, India.
This esteemed Journal of Pathology and Toxicology Research is a platform for young researchers to express their knowledge in the field of pathology and toxicology and also in molecular pathology. The very purpose of this journal is to enrich the world with recent advances in this aspect. Publishing articles in this journal is a very much global scientific approach. -
Dr. Mutaz Elshiekh, Associate Professor, AHFAD Center for Science and Technology, Sudan
I came to contact the SciTech Central group “Advances in Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology Research” over the last two years in a process of publication of some papers and attending a conference in Tokyo-Japan as a speaker on the last October 2019.Soon I found that they are independent, punctual, well organized, updated and have their science knowledge based on literature. Affiliation that SciTech Central group to my name helped me so much in being promoted to an associate professor.The name of this group is well known among the other relevant research centers and I can categorize them as one of the best three working groups in the same field. With no doubt i advise all the researchers from all over the world to cooperate with this honorable group. -
Dr .Lakshmi Agarwal, MBBS,MD, Faculty and Consultant Pathologist, Government Medical College, Kota Pushpadi Cancer Care Centre, Kota Rajasthan, India
Stem cell research and therapeutics journal is of high-quality indexed journal. The publication process is very fast and efficient. The whole team works in remarkable professionalism and efficiency. It provides a very good platform for the young researchers to submit their work as the guidelines and submission process is very simple and easy. The reviewer comments helped the author to improve the quality of their work. I would surely recommend this journal to all my colleague. -
Prof. W.A.S. Abomaye-Nimenibo, Professor of Economics Director (Dean), Postgraduate Studies, Obong University, Nigeria.
SciTech Open Access Journals is a conglomeration of different journals that has proved to be one of the best in the world for its proficiency having qualified Professors as their pier reviewers as well as their editors.SciTech is truly an integration of great researchers and students who are constantly working for the betterment of the human race with their dedication in research. They have so many journals under their fleet and command. SciTech creates high-tech awareness and supplies best quality literature to the developing world. They are fantastic, thorough and down to earth. I have no reservation in recommending this journal to the World to give them a trial which I believe will convince you. Hurry and do not delay in grabbing this rare opportunity to publish your article. -
Prof. Hans-Uwe Dahms, Full Professor and D.Sc., KMU - Kaohsiung Medical University, Dept. of Biomedical Science and Environmental Biology, Kaohsiung,Taiwan
My name is Hans-Uwe Dahms and I am a Professor at the Kaohsiung Medical University (Taiwan). I feel honored to be a member on the editorial Board of the esteemed journal “BioMed Research Journal - International Journals SciTech Central Inc., USA. My experience as a member of the editorial board were always positive and personally enriching. I would like to strongly encourage you to consider submitting your article for publication in the BioMed Research Journal. The staff will take care of all formal burden and support you with varia. -
Prof. Michel Goldberg, Professeur Emerite, Biomedicale des Saints Peres Universite Paris Descartes, France.
There are more and more scientific international journals, but this one is among the bests.I would recommend to researchers to send articles and doing so, reach a large audience, and diffuse their knowledge to the scientific community.In Paris, with the Coronavirus, we exchange with colleagues through the telephone, and mails and avoid to catch the virus, survive and contribute to progress in basic and medical sciencesit is beneficial for us to have these vehicles and therefore we are able to exchange and add to the basic science. -
Dr. Mukhles Al-Ababneh, Associate Professor, Department of Hotel and Tourism Management, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Jordan.
My name is Mukhles Al-Ababneh and I am an Associate Professor in Hospitality and Tourism Management at the Department of Hotel and Tourism Management, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (Jordan). I feel honored to be a member on the editorial Board of the esteemed journal “International Journal of Tourism & Hotel Business Management (IJTHBM)”. My experience as a member of the editorial board has been very positive and enriching as well. I have recently undertaken a collaboration as an author with this prestigious Journal. I would like to strongly encourage you to consider submitting your article for publication in the International Journal of Tourism & Hotel Business Management (IJTHBM).
Dr. Zorawar Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, Khalsa College, Amritsar Punjab, India.
As an editorial member of the journal, I have experienced that the journal is expanding in scope and becoming more inclusive to attract a wider audience in the field of nanotechnology. Both the submission and reviewing processes are simple and rapid. The reviewers are eminent personalities in the field of nano-science from all-over the globe. Its a great experience to work with such a great team.
Prof. Dr. Alain L. Fymat, Founding Chair, President/CEO and Professor, International Institute of Medicine & Science Inc., USA.
I would like to strongly encourage you to consider submitting your article for publication in the Journal of Cancer Science Treatment (JCST)). Whether your article reports on your unpublished research, review or mini-review, short communication, commentary, opinion, case report, or even an editorial letter, it will find its appropriate place in JCST. JCST is an open access peer-reviewed Journal of high-quality standards. It is accredited by most professional publishing organizations. Its publication charges are fair and reasonable and tailored to the economic status of the authors country. I have myself published in JCST and am extremely satisfied by the support I received from the editorial office, their timely peer review process, and the quality of the Journal. I highly recommend that you peruse through their website and ascertain for yourself the quality of their product. I hope you will join me in contributing to this promising Journal and ensuring its bright future. -
Dr. Anubha Bajaj, Self-employed, Histopathologist, India.
This is to specify that I have had an extensive and detailed interaction with the Editorial team of the BioMed Research Journal, International Journals, Sci Tech Central Inc, USA, lasting over a significant period of time. My interaction has been extremely pleasant, especially with DrMitchel Steve, as I find the communication quite inspiring and crystal clear. The attitude of aforesaid individuals is quite helpful and guiding in pertinent instances. It has been a commemorative journey so far working with the Journal and I hope that the symbiosis will continue, evolve and flourish in the forthcoming years.I wish the journal, related personnel and aforementioned individuals afruitful, successful run. -
Dr. Avani Oke, Ph.D( Nursing), Principal, K.J. Somaiya College of Nursing, India.
I feel honored to be a member on the editorial Board of the esteemed journal,”Journal of Nursing and Occupational Health.” I have seen that the articles published go through a strict scrutiny and the stress is more to ensure that the journal maintain quality in the articles that are published. The review process is simple, straightforward and provides a choice and time for the editorial team to do their job. The journal has expanded in their horizon and have become more inclusive. This hasresulted in attracting a wider audience. The journal has shown improvement in qualityand enhanced the impact. My experience as a member of the editorial board has beenvery positive and enriching as well. I wish that the journal keeps on achieving greater heights and continuously makes efforts to ensure that it changes with the changing societal needs. -
Dr. Benedict David, Former Director, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila - Graduate School of Business, Philippines
I am a young and thriving researcher with savvy and enthusiasm to learn multiple cultures and knowledge around the globe. Being a part of this journal as an international Editorial Board greatly fulfills that certain dream of mine. Each time I review studies and articles makes me learn more about not only in research, more so about the diversities of cultures and life, per se.
Dr. Claudine Kumba, Medical Doctor, Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care, Universite de Paris, France.
International Journal of Anaesthesia and Research is an open access journal which has the aim ofpublishing original articles in the field of anesthesia and critical care. Articles issued from clinicalanesthesia and critical care, clinical and experimental research are welcome. Innovating topics areencouraged in order to promote anesthesia and critical care. Sharing clinical and researchexperiences are also goals of this journal.My domains of research are pediatric anesthesia and critical care where a lot of fields needdevelopment such as goal directed fluid and hemodynamic therapy, transfusion goal directedprotocols and enhanced recovery after surgery. I am aiming to share with the scientific communitythe future results of this research. As with every research, time is one of the precious factors among others.International Journal of Anaesthesia and Research will help you to share your research and clinicalexperiences with the scientific community peers. -
Prof. Asaad Y. Ayied, Animal Production Department, College of Agriculture, University of Basrah Basrah, Iraq
As a peer-reviewed academic journal, the Journal of Veterinary and Marine Sciences provides an opportunity to researchers and scientist to explore the developments in the field of veterinary, animal and marine sciences and other emerging areas of research that extend our view of biological diversities of living species. These include, but not limited to, veterinary, breeding, biological, biomarker research and targeted drug development. As a member of the Editorial Board for the journal, I strongly encourage investigators consider this high-quality open access platform for rapid communication of their cutting-edge research progress and discovery. -
Prof. Maria Silvia Avi, Department of Business Administration and Cost Analysis, Management Department of University of Venice, Italy.
My name is Maria Silvia Avi and I am Full Professor in Business Administration and Cost Analysis at Management Department of University of Venice (Italy). I read the articles of this prestigiousInternational Journal of Tourism & Hotel Business Management since its constitution. I have always read articles of high scientific rigor and unsurpassed clarity. These articles greatly help both academics and professionals to understand a multiplicity of issues related to hospitality. I have recently undertaken a collaboration as an author with this prestigious Journal and I hope that this is only the beginning of a fruitful collaboration as I consider the International Journal of Tourism; Hotel Business Management to be of high cultural impact and of extreme relevance in the field of hospitality studies. -
Dr. Phongpisanu Boonda, Chief of Research, Texts, and International Affairs, Sirindhorn College of Public Health Phitsanulok Praboromarajchanok Institute for Health Workforce Development, Thailand
It is a good starting point for becoming a quality journal, in the near future International Journal of Clinical Case Studies & Reports will certainly be one of the leading journals.I am impressed that I have participated in this. It was a great experience with the quality that the International Journal of Clinical Case Studies & Reports has provided.There are several things that can be mentioned but I will stop here with the note that I am looking forward to working on another issue with this journal in the future.Contributed article: Process of Research and Development in Public Health. -
Dr. Raheleh Farahani, Researcher, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Bu Ali Sina University, Iran
Advances in Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology Research journal is highly reputable and has high standards in the field of Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology. The purpose of the journal is to advance nanoscience and ultimately to serve humanity. Let’s all join the global scientific community together by publishing an article in this journal.
Prof. Kulvinder Kochar Kaur, Scientific Director, Dr. Kulvinder Kaur Centre For Human Reproduction, Jalandhar, Punjab, India
This is to certify that I have been working as a reviewer with the Editorial Assistants of so many Journals of SciTech Central Inc., USA.
Prof. Attapon Cheepsattayakorn, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand
As an Reviewer of the this journal and the Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Allergy Research, SciTech Central Publishers, USA, it is my great pleasure and feel very proud to work with the staff of this much impressively qualified academic journal. Our journals regularly provides quick and excellent handling of the manuscript. The peer review is excellent, constructive and invaluable addressing significant problems within the manuscripts, and ofcourse our technical expertise is quite competent. Publishing with this journal and the Journal of Allergy Research, SciTech Central Publishers, including other journals of the SciTech Central Publishers is perfect-quick editorial decision, rapid editing of the proofs and helpful communication. The speed and ease with which the review process is unrolled are appreciated by our authors. Very useful interactive References are suggested by our Reviewers that can save a lot of the author(s) time; this also allows making the author(s) work better argumented and stylistically improved. All our services provided by this journal, Journal of Allergy Research and other journals of the SciTech Central Publishers ’ editorial office(s) are prompt and perfectly clear. With our excellent journal management, I strongly hope that our journal(s) will get it more indexing in the world standardized databases.
Prof. Mahmoud Mohamed Elalfy , Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt
The research of solution for worldwide problems need cooperation, believing, change in health laws in the world, avoid neglection of any alarm and the research of the solution could start from a case report and then ensured by in vitro, in vivo and clinical studies.
Dr. Sandeep V. Binorkar, Deptartment of Agadatantra & Vyavahara Ayurveda, R.A. Podar Medical College, India
I have been associated with the Journal of Pathology and Toxicology Research since around a year and my experience has been of extreme high quality. The intellectual productions, the review processes, and the published works are at par with any other ranked academic journals on the subject. The journal has an exceptional aspects covering logical advancement in the fields of Pathology and Toxicology. I believe that as long as unwavering publications are provided by the journal, the journal can increase impact factors gradually.
The journal can have a better shape in the future as long as it comforts editors and focuses on specific therapeutic research areas in each issue. As a member of the Editorial Board, I would like to encourage fellow researchers to submit their work for publication in the journal. -
Dr. Hassan Mohammadi Nevisi, Associate Professor at Selinus University of Sciences and Literature, Iran
For scientists, researchers, scholars and those who are knowledgeable, nothing is more interesting and sweeter than research and writing. I can boldly say that there is no pleasure in the world like thinking and writing. But reflecting and showing these thoughts is also a very important issue. Another important point is how we display our research. In other words, choosing the first-class journal and choosing a strong team is very effective in this regard.
It is a great pleasure and privilege to be a member of the reviewing team for this prestigious journal. The current circumstances for tourism, hospitality and the world economy dictate a lot of responsibility for both academics and practitioners. Every single person on earth has been affected from many aspects. The outbreak of Covid-19 epidemic has seriously affected the airline industry, travel, tourism and the hospitality. Unfortunately, this impact will hang about for some time to come. We are very much challenged by dealing with the aftermath of consequences; business-wise and professional-wise.In the final analysis, while the current situation represents a real threat to our industry, it is also an opportunity to work hard towards new trends, products and services. I encourage you along with the editing team to have your own contribution in this respect either from an academic perspective or a practical one.
- Prof. Ashraf Tag-Eldeen, Professor of Hotel Management, Alexandria University, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Alexandria, Egypt.
Working with Journal of Economics, Business and Market Research as an Editorial of Board, it was a true pleasure for me to be one of the reviewer team. The publication process was quick and efficient, with critical feedback provided through peer review, and timely response rates to emails. I appreciate the level of organization, and will surely be publishing with this journal also.
- Prof Dr. Burhan Alomari, PhD / USA Business Administration / Tourism and Sports management.
I would like to inform all researchers that the “Journal of Chemical Science and Engineering” is one of the most excellent research journals in the field of science as well as engineering. It is a great honour for me cooperating with the journal. I am pleased to invite interested researchers to collaborate with the journal.
- Dr. Rasoul Nikbakhti, School of Engineering & ICT, University of Tasmania, Australia.
I am honored to be a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Medical and Clinical Imaging. I highly recommend this highly evolving journal for researcher and clinician to make it their platform of choice to publish their researches and clinical observations.
- Prof. Elgohary Mohamed Elgohary, Professor of Neurosurgery, Former Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery, Kasr Alainy School of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo Egypt.
Its my honor to be one of the editorial board member of Advances in Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology Research”(2688-5476). I recommend this journal to scientists and studentsbecause it provides a simple and fast way to share your researches with other scientist and researchers.
- Dr. Armin Vahdat, Researcher, Nano Technology-Materials Science, Semnan University Iran
I am happy to write these few lines to describe my excellent experience with the Stem cell Research and Therapeutics and my first experience with it was very satisfying. I had the privilege to serve as a reviewer for the Stem cell Research and Therapeutics on several occasions. In addition, I am also serving as an Editorial board member as well. I had an extremely positive experience with Stem cell Research and Therapeutics from both sides. The editorial communications at every step of the process and the speed and efficiency of the review process was fantastic. On this occasion I would like to thank the editorial staff for their hard work, their efforts were highly appreciated. I pleased to continue being part of the Stem cell Research and Therapeutics community and I will definitely consider it for future submissions from my lab and with collaborators.
- Prof. Ahmed Sultan, Chairman & Director, Alexandria University, Egypt.
I am honored to be a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Rheumatology Research (JRR) (ISSN: 2641-6999). Over the past two years, I have watched the journal evolve into its present status of listing in the National Laboratory of Medicine Catalogue (NLM ID: 101764777). From personal experience, JRR has great leadership in Dr. Greg Tsay and a very efficient and accommodating editorial staff led by Dr. Monica Grace. JRR has a notably quick peer review system and time to publication. The finished publication product boasts a first-rate style and format. I highly recommend JRR as the journal of choice for publication of your original rheumatology research and clinical observations.
- Prof. Marvin J Fritzler PhD MD, Professor: Cumming School of Medicine Director: MitogenDx, University of Calgary, Canada.
Journal of Immunology Research and Therapy provides latest and excellent information to all of us.
- Dr. (Prof). D. K. Agarwal, Senior Consultant, Nephrology Indraprastha Apollo hospitals, New Delhi, INDIA
The Journal of Rheumatology Research is a platform for young investigators to publish their research results, and offers a valuable chance to exchange insights with other scientists around the world. This journal also grants young investigators recognition and exposure in this field of study.
- Prof. Jeng-Hsien Yen, Professor & Head, Division of Rheumatology Department of Internal Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, TAIWAN
I feel really thankful for work with SciTech Central. I found that they are well organized, punctual, updated and have their science knowledge based on literature. They concern about the scientificcommunity, authors, readers, students, and everyone. Their work is really relevant.
- Dr. Damaris Hodelin Fuentes MD, Investigator and Ophthalmology Resident at Ophthalmology Department of the General Hospital, Cuba.
I feel happy to go through the Journals it seems to a effective tool to contribute, extend and enlarge our knowledge to world scientific community and beyond.
- Prof. Ramesh C Gupta, Former Vice Chancellor, R B University and Former Pro Vice Chancellor, Nagaland University, India
I am very grateful to be part of the prestigious members of the journal (Archive of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine) which is a credible platform for the publication of valuable researches.Let us join to improve the Reproductive Health in the World.
- Dr. Theophile Nana Njamen, Senior Researcher, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Buea, Cameroon.
The Journal of Women’s Health and Safety Research is a dedicated journal that delivers the recent advances and issues related to women. It is indeed great to be part of this journal as editorial member and had a good experience in peer reviewing the article. The journal has a transparent mechanism of submission of article which is checked for the relevance and then subjected to peer reviewing process which is execute professionally. The communication and article processing occurs rapidly and efficiently due to professional team. I look forward to have more quality interaction and also recommend JWHSR to my colleagues and collaboration.
- Dr. Asha B, Additional Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research, India.
I honestly recognize the services of Premier Publishers, International Journal of Radiography Imaging & Radiation Therapy is a very unique journal in the world of publication. I have been impressed by the charge of my articles it is very reasonable. I have sensitized to my colleagues to publish their articles.
- Dr. Rajiv Kumar Chawla, Consultant in Department of Microbiology in Delhi Heart Institute & Multispecialty Hospital, India.
This esteemed Journal of Pathology and Toxicology Research is a platform for young researchers to express their knowledge in the field of pathology and toxicology and also in molecular pathology. The very purpose of this journal is to enrich the world with recent advances in this aspect. Publishing articles in this journal is a very much global scientific approach.
- Dr. Chhanda Das, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, IPGME&R, India.
I came to contact the SciTech Central group “Advances in Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology Research” over the last two years in a process of publication of some papers and attending a conference in Tokyo-Japan as a speaker on the last October 2019.Soon I found that they are independent, punctual, well organized, updated and have their science knowledge based on literature. Affiliation that SciTech Central group to my name helped me so much in being promoted to an associate professor.The name of this group is well known among the other relevant research centers and I can categorize them as one of the best three working groups in the same field. With no doubt i advise all the researchers from all over the world to cooperate with this honorable group.
- Dr. Mutaz Elshiekh, Associate Professor, AHFAD Center for Science and Technology, Sudan
Stem cell research and therapeutics journal is of high-quality indexed journal. The publication process is very fast and efficient. The whole team works in remarkable professionalism and efficiency. It provides a very good platform for the young researchers to submit their work as the guidelines and submission process is very simple and easy. The reviewer comments helped the author to improve the quality of their work. I would surely recommend this journal to all my colleague.
- Dr .Lakshmi Agarwal, MBBS,MD, Faculty and Consultant Pathologist, Government Medical College, Kota Pushpadi Cancer Care Centre, Kota Rajasthan, India
SciTech Open Access Journals is a conglomeration of different journals that has proved to be one of the best in the world for its proficiency having qualified Professors as their pier reviewers as well as their editors.SciTech is truly an integration of great researchers and students who are constantly working for the betterment of the human race with their dedication in research. They have so many journals under their fleet and command. SciTech creates high-tech awareness and supplies best quality literature to the developing world. They are fantastic, thorough and down to earth. I have no reservation in recommending this journal to the World to give them a trial which I believe will convince you. Hurry and do not delay in grabbing this rare opportunity to publish your article.
- Prof. W.A.S. Abomaye-Nimenibo, Professor of Economics Director (Dean), Postgraduate Studies, Obong University, Nigeria.
My name is Hans-Uwe Dahms and I am a Professor at the Kaohsiung Medical University (Taiwan). I feel honored to be a member on the editorial Board of the esteemed journal “BioMed Research Journal - International Journals SciTech Central Inc., USA. My experience as a member of the editorial board were always positive and personally enriching. I would like to strongly encourage you to consider submitting your article for publication in the BioMed Research Journal. The staff will take care of all formal burden and support you with varia.
- Prof. Hans-Uwe Dahms, Full Professor and D.Sc., KMU - Kaohsiung Medical University, Dept. of Biomedical Science and Environmental Biology, Kaohsiung,Taiwan
There are more and more scientific international journals, but this one is among the bests.I would recommend to researchers to send articles and doing so, reach a large audience, and diffuse their knowledge to the scientific community.In Paris, with the Coronavirus, we exchange with colleagues through the telephone, and mails and avoid to catch the virus, survive and contribute to progress in basic and medical sciencesit is beneficial for us to have these vehicles and therefore we are able to exchange and add to the basic science.
- Prof. Michel Goldberg, Professeur Emerite, Biomedicale des Saints Peres Universite Paris Descartes, France.
My name is Mukhles Al-Ababneh and I am an Associate Professor in Hospitality and Tourism Management at the Department of Hotel and Tourism Management, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (Jordan). I feel honored to be a member on the editorial Board of the esteemed journal “International Journal of Tourism & Hotel Business Management (IJTHBM)”. My experience as a member of the editorial board has been very positive and enriching as well. I have recently undertaken a collaboration as an author with this prestigious Journal. I would like to strongly encourage you to consider submitting your article for publication in the International Journal of Tourism & Hotel Business Management (IJTHBM).
- Dr. Mukhles Al-Ababneh, Associate Professor, Department of Hotel and Tourism Management, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Jordan.
As an editorial member of the journal, I have experienced that the journal is expanding in scope and becoming more inclusive to attract a wider audience in the field of nanotechnology. Both the submission and reviewing processes are simple and rapid. The reviewers are eminent personalities in the field of nano-science from all-over the globe. Its a great experience to work with such a great team.
- Dr. Zorawar Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, Khalsa College, Amritsar Punjab, India.
I would like to strongly encourage you to consider submitting your article for publication in the Journal of Cancer Science Treatment (JCST)). Whether your article reports on your unpublished research, review or mini-review, short communication, commentary, opinion, case report, or even an editorial letter, it will find its appropriate place in JCST. JCST is an open access peer-reviewed Journal of high-quality standards. It is accredited by most professional publishing organizations. Its publication charges are fair and reasonable and tailored to the economic status of the authors country. I have myself published in JCST and am extremely satisfied by the support I received from the editorial office, their timely peer review process, and the quality of the Journal. I highly recommend that you peruse through their website and ascertain for yourself the quality of their product. I hope you will join me in contributing to this promising Journal and ensuring its bright future.
- Prof. Dr. Alain L. Fymat, Founding Chair, President/CEO and Professor, International Institute of Medicine & Science Inc., USA.
This is to specify that I have had an extensive and detailed interaction with the Editorial team of the BioMed Research Journal, International Journals, Sci Tech Central Inc, USA, lasting over a significant period of time. My interaction has been extremely pleasant, especially with DrMitchel Steve, as I find the communication quite inspiring and crystal clear. The attitude of aforesaid individuals is quite helpful and guiding in pertinent instances. It has been a commemorative journey so far working with the Journal and I hope that the symbiosis will continue, evolve and flourish in the forthcoming years.I wish the journal, related personnel and aforementioned individuals afruitful, successful run.
- Dr. Anubha Bajaj, Self-employed, Histopathologist, India.
I feel honored to be a member on the editorial Board of the esteemed journal,”Journal of Nursing and Occupational Health.” I have seen that the articles published go through a strict scrutiny and the stress is more to ensure that the journal maintain quality in the articles that are published. The review process is simple, straightforward and provides a choice and time for the editorial team to do their job. The journal has expanded in their horizon and have become more inclusive. This hasresulted in attracting a wider audience. The journal has shown improvement in qualityand enhanced the impact. My experience as a member of the editorial board has beenvery positive and enriching as well. I wish that the journal keeps on achieving greater heights and continuously makes efforts to ensure that it changes with the changing societal needs.
- Dr. Avani Oke, Ph.D( Nursing), Principal, K.J. Somaiya College of Nursing, India.
I am a young and thriving researcher with savvy and enthusiasm to learn multiple cultures and knowledge around the globe. Being a part of this journal as an international Editorial Board greatly fulfills that certain dream of mine. Each time I review studies and articles makes me learn more about not only in research, more so about the diversities of cultures and life, per se.
- Dr. Benedict David, Former Director, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila - Graduate School of Business, Philippines
International Journal of Anaesthesia and Research is an open access journal which has the aim ofpublishing original articles in the field of anesthesia and critical care. Articles issued from clinicalanesthesia and critical care, clinical and experimental research are welcome. Innovating topics areencouraged in order to promote anesthesia and critical care. Sharing clinical and researchexperiences are also goals of this journal.My domains of research are pediatric anesthesia and critical care where a lot of fields needdevelopment such as goal directed fluid and hemodynamic therapy, transfusion goal directedprotocols and enhanced recovery after surgery. I am aiming to share with the scientific communitythe future results of this research. As with every research, time is one of the precious factors among others.International Journal of Anaesthesia and Research will help you to share your research and clinicalexperiences with the scientific community peers.
- Dr. Claudine Kumba, Medical Doctor, Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care, Universite de Paris, France.
As a peer-reviewed academic journal, the Journal of Veterinary and Marine Sciences provides an opportunity to researchers and scientist to explore the developments in the field of veterinary, animal and marine sciences and other emerging areas of research that extend our view of biological diversities of living species. These include, but not limited to, veterinary, breeding, biological, biomarker research and targeted drug development. As a member of the Editorial Board for the journal, I strongly encourage investigators consider this high-quality open access platform for rapid communication of their cutting-edge research progress and discovery.
- Prof. Asaad Y. Ayied, Animal Production Department, College of Agriculture, University of Basrah Basrah, Iraq
My name is Maria Silvia Avi and I am Full Professor in Business Administration and Cost Analysis at Management Department of University of Venice (Italy). I read the articles of this prestigiousInternational Journal of Tourism & Hotel Business Management since its constitution. I have always read articles of high scientific rigor and unsurpassed clarity. These articles greatly help both academics and professionals to understand a multiplicity of issues related to hospitality. I have recently undertaken a collaboration as an author with this prestigious Journal and I hope that this is only the beginning of a fruitful collaboration as I consider the International Journal of Tourism; Hotel Business Management to be of high cultural impact and of extreme relevance in the field of hospitality studies.
- Prof. Maria Silvia Avi, Department of Business Administration and Cost Analysis, Management Department of University of Venice, Italy.
It is a good starting point for becoming a quality journal, in the near future International Journal of Clinical Case Studies & Reports will certainly be one of the leading journals.I am impressed that I have participated in this. It was a great experience with the quality that the International Journal of Clinical Case Studies & Reports has provided.There are several things that can be mentioned but I will stop here with the note that I am looking forward to working on another issue with this journal in the future.Contributed article: Process of Research and Development in Public Health.
- Dr. Phongpisanu Boonda, Chief of Research, Texts, and International Affairs, Sirindhorn College of Public Health Phitsanulok Praboromarajchanok Institute for Health Workforce Development, Thailand
Advances in Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology Research journal is highly reputable and has high standards in the field of Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology. The purpose of the journal is to advance nanoscience and ultimately to serve humanity. Let’s all join the global scientific community together by publishing an article in this journal.
- Dr. Raheleh Farahani, Researcher, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Bu Ali Sina University, Iran
This is to certify that I have been working as a reviewer with the Editorial Assistants of so many Journals of SciTech Central Inc., USA.
- Prof. Kulvinder Kochar Kaur, Scientific Director, Dr. Kulvinder Kaur Centre For Human Reproduction, Jalandhar, Punjab, India
As an Reviewer of the this journal and the Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Allergy Research, SciTech Central Publishers, USA, it is my great pleasure and feel very proud to work with the staff of this much impressively qualified academic journal. Our journals regularly provides quick and excellent handling of the manuscript. The peer review is excellent, constructive and invaluable addressing significant problems within the manuscripts, and ofcourse our technical expertise is quite competent. Publishing with this journal and the Journal of Allergy Research, SciTech Central Publishers, including other journals of the SciTech Central Publishers is perfect-quick editorial decision, rapid editing of the proofs and helpful communication. The speed and ease with which the review process is unrolled are appreciated by our authors. Very useful interactive References are suggested by our Reviewers that can save a lot of the author(s) time; this also allows making the author(s) work better argumented and stylistically improved. All our services provided by this journal, Journal of Allergy Research and other journals of the SciTech Central Publishers ’ editorial office(s) are prompt and perfectly clear. With our excellent journal management, I strongly hope that our journal(s) will get it more indexing in the world standardized databases.
- Prof. Attapon Cheepsattayakorn, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand
The research of solution for worldwide problems need cooperation, believing, change in health laws in the world, avoid neglection of any alarm and the research of the solution could start from a case report and then ensured by in vitro, in vivo and clinical studies.
- Prof. Mahmoud Mohamed Elalfy , Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt
I have been associated with the Journal of Pathology and Toxicology Research since around a year and my experience has been of extreme high quality. The intellectual productions, the review processes, and the published works are at par with any other ranked academic journals on the subject. The journal has an exceptional aspects covering logical advancement in the fields of Pathology and Toxicology. I believe that as long as unwavering publications are provided by the journal, the journal can increase impact factors gradually.
The journal can have a better shape in the future as long as it comforts editors and focuses on specific therapeutic research areas in each issue. As a member of the Editorial Board, I would like to encourage fellow researchers to submit their work for publication in the journal.
- Dr. Sandeep V. Binorkar, Deptartment of Agadatantra & Vyavahara Ayurveda, R.A. Podar Medical College, India
For scientists, researchers, scholars and those who are knowledgeable, nothing is more interesting and sweeter than research and writing. I can boldly say that there is no pleasure in the world like thinking and writing. But reflecting and showing these thoughts is also a very important issue. Another important point is how we display our research. In other words, choosing the first-class journal and choosing a strong team is very effective in this regard.
- Dr. Hassan Mohammadi Nevisi, Associate Professor at Selinus University of Sciences and Literature, Iran
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