Editorial Board

Prof. Sobhy El-Sohaimy

Prof. Sobhy El-Sohaimy
Head of Department of Food Technology
City of Scientific Research and Technology Applications

Biography :

 Head of Department of Food Technology, City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications, Alexandria, Egypt.  Visiting professor at the University of Sassari, Italy (from February 8, 2019)  Visiting Professor at the Department of Biochemistry, Virginia Tech University, (USA)  Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Lincoln University (New Zealand)  Cultural and Educational Attaché- Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Kazakhstan

Research Interest :

 Utilization of advanced technologies for the delivery of bioactive ingredients in functional foods to increase their health benefits.  Determination of nutritional effects of food ingredients in the manipulation of diet related illnesses.  Optimization of food ingredients and processing to create novel food structures and textures for the Consumers.  Knowledge transfers and higher-level skills improvement to the food industry.  Utilization advanced technologies to keep food safe and healthy.