Editorial Board

Prof. Marcus V. N. de Souza

Prof. Marcus V. N. de Souza
Far-Manguinhos – Fiocruz

Biography :

Marcus V. N. de Souza was awarded his Ph. D. degree in organic synthesis from University Paris XI, Paris - France in 1999 under the supervision of Prof. Robert H. Dodd. He then worked with Prof. Robert H. Holtonas postdoctoral research in medicinal chemistry at Florida State University -USA. Afterwards, he moved to University of Juiz de Fora - MG, Brazil where heworked as a visiting professor. At present, he was selected for a position at Fiocruz Research Institue, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil where he has a researchgroup in medicinal chemistry synthesis department.

Research Interest :

His main interest in research is centered on neglected disease (Tuberculosis and Malaria) and synthetic methodologies.