Journal of Renal Transplantation Science (ISSN: 2640-0847) (JRTS) aims to deliver an up-to-date knowledge to transplant surgeons, nephrologists, urologists and nurse clinicians working in the field of renal transplantation. In this era when transplant clinicians face challenges includes ever-evolving working environment, endemic resource crunch, lack of practical local guidelines and the explosion of information, it is very crucial to be endowed with a sensible approach.
We welcome high-quality academic articles that facilitate reflective practice and implementation of evidence-based medicine. This journal is keen to enthuse regular participation and contribution from around the world.
JRTS is an open access journal; the fee for publication has been kept as low as possible to make it possible from low-resource healthcare systems to express their pragmatic views and share their rich experience.
We aim to support self-learning of transplant clinicians in optimizing their practice, provide safe management of their patients and, most importantly, to develop skills in using their knowledge to establish a career in transplantation.
JRTS though welcomes basic sciences research articles; it is keen to help in translational research and application of basic sciences in sound management of renal transplant patients. We also aim to help develop education philosophy in maximizing transmission of knowledge and skills in the state-of-art management of renal transplant patients.
Our main objectives also include covering the clinical and basic adult and pediatric transplantation in addition to associated transplantation and procedures that are required for treating these patients. We provide extensive coverage of the medical, surgical, interventional, diagnostic challenges, administrative issues and cost-efficiency of various treatment options.
JRTS seeks advertisements so that running costs can be met.
Submissions include Research Articles, Review Articles, Mini-review, Case Reports, Opinion, Editorials, Rapid and Short Communications, Commentary as well as Letter to Editor from its readers. Submitted articles are subjected to stringent peer review and revision process before being accepted for publication, to maintain the quality and significance of the journal.
The articles published are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication thus improving the citations for authors and attaining a good impact factor. Journal of Renal Transplantation Science welcomes submissions of manuscripts via Online Submission System or via email to the Editorial Office at submissions@scitcentral.com
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