An International Journal
Editor-in-Chief :
Dr. Hyo Choi, Professor
(Former Dean of the Graduate School)
Dept. of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences,
College of Natural Sciences,
Gangneung-Wonu National University
Gangneung Campus, Gangneung 25457
Republic of Korea
Aims and Scope
Journal of Agriculture and Forest Meteorology Research (ISSN: 2642-0449) is a scientific open access international journal published online quarterly by SciTech Central Inc., USA. This journal covers original articles, notes, reviews and book reviews on multidisciplinary researches between agriculture, forestry, meteorology, and natural ecosystems, which are affected by both a short-period weather and a long-period climate variability and change. Both applied and theoretical scientific research on soil science, ecology, biochemistry, forest fire, acidification of agricultural land, acidification of forest, Alkalization of agricultural land and alkalization of forest and meteorological effects of flood and drought are welcomed. However, there are also no limitations in regards to processes applied in the above-mentioned subject areas.
ISSN online: ISSN: 2642-0449
Manuscript Submission:
Manuscripts should be submitted online at Submit Manuscript by registering and logging in to this website. In other way, authors are requested to submit their papers electronically to either or or All manuscripts are thoroughly refereed through a single-blind peer-review process. Accepted papers will be published continuously in the journal (as soon as accepted). Research articles, review articles as well as short communications are invited. Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere (except conference proceedings papers). A guide for authors and other relevant information for submission of manuscripts is available on the Instruction for Authors. Please visit the Instructions for Authors page before submitting a manuscript.
Submitted manuscripts to Editorial Office are peer-reviewed, and a first decision (reject, accept and conditional accept) by Editors is provided to authors within approximately 15 days. Then, the manuscript with contents and graphics revised by authors, following Editors' indication should be submitted to the Editorial Office again for final decision by Editor-in-Chief within 15 days. The final acceptance to publication is undertaken in 15 days
Recently Published Articles in Journal of Agriculture and Forest Meteorology Research (ISSN:2642-0449)
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