Journal of Chemical Science and Engineering (ISSN: 2642-0406) is an international, open-access, peer-reviewed journal provides a forum for the publication of peer-reviewed papers to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in the field of chemical science and engineering.
Journal of Chemical Science and Engineering (ISSN: 2642-0406) reflects the latest advances being made worldwide in a broad scope of chemical science and engineering. It covers all areas of subjects such as semi-conductors, catalysis, clean energy, nanotechnology, nanoscience, biomaterials, biotechnology, particle technology, separation science and technology, sustainable technologies, green processing and multiphase processing.
Journal of Chemical Science and Engineering (ISSN: 2642-0406) accepts Research Articles, Review Articles, Mini-review, Case Reports, Opinion, Letters to the Editor and Editorials, Rapid and Short Communications, Commentary. The journal operates a blind review policy. Manuscripts are reviewed by editorial board members or other qualified persons. The articles published are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication thus improving the citations for authors and attaining a good impact factor.
Journal of Chemical Science and Engineering (ISSN: 2642-0406) welcomes submissions of manuscripts via Online Submission System or via email to the Editorial Office at chemsci@scitcentral.com or submissions@scitcentral.com.
Recently Published Articles in Journal of Chemical Science and Engineering (ISSN:2642-0406)
- Experimental and Computational Chemistry Studies on Decolouration of Water Polluted by Neutral Red Dye by Adsorption unto Wood Saw Dust Anduang Ofuo Odiongenyi*
- Removal of Eosin Yellow Dye from Aqueous Solution by Adsorption unto Musanga cecropioides Wood Saw Dust: Experimental and Theoretical Study Anduang Ofuo Odiongenyi*
- Enhancement of Visible Absorption by Multi-Modification of ZnO Nanorods VinhQuang Dang*, HoaiNhan Luong, Tan Muon Dinh, Thanh Luan Nguyen Nu ThuyVy Le, Ngoc Truong Ha, AnhTu Nguyen, Nhat Minh Nguyen, Cong Khanh Tran and Bach Thang Phan
- Kinetics and Mechanism of Oxidation of Dicloxacillin by Copper (III) Diperiodate Complex in Aqueous Alkaline Medium Sahu YR, Mishra P* and Chaudhary NK