Author Guidelines
- Cover letter*
- Manuscript*
- Figures
- Tables
- Supplemental Material
- Research articles should present original research that adds to the body of knowledge.
- Follows the outline of Title, Author(s) & affiliations, Corresponding author details; Abstract; Keywords; Abbreviations; Introduction; Materials and methods; Results and discussion; Conclusion; References.
- Word limit is 5000 words
- Supported by significant and relevant amount of data
- Tables, graphs, pictures and illustrations wherever necessary
- Review is an attempt to summarize and evaluate published information and data from many authors and sources.
- Follows the outline of Title, Author(s) & affiliations, Corresponding author details; Abstract; Keywords; Abbreviations; Introduction; Sub headings and sub-sub headings; Conclusion; References
- Word limit is 5000 words
- Tables, graphs, pictures and illustrations wherever necessary
- Usually includes a large number of references and must be based on necessary citations, providing complete reference at the end of the article.
Mini review
Mini reviews are summaries of recent insights in a particular research area. A mini-review article has a word count of around 3000-4000 words.
General structure of a mini-review article consists of the following sections:
- Title
- Authors and their affiliations
- Corresponding author details
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Review
- Conclusion
- References
- Does not follow the outline of Introduction, Materials/Methods, Discussion/Conclusions, and References
- Word limit is 2000 words
- Tables, graphs, pictures and illustrations wherever necessary
- Brief conclusion, citing the references at the end.
- Case studies describe a particular technology or application which contains original data generated in the process of developing the technology or in support of the application.
- Follows the outline of Title, Author(s) & affiliations, Corresponding author details; Abstract; Keywords; Case Presentation, Discussion/Conclusion; References.
- Word limit is 1500 words.
- Supported by a significant amount of data
- Editorials are written by Editorial Board Members or Invited Guest Editors on a currently published article/issue on variety of subjects of interest.
- Follows the outline of Title, Author(s) & affiliations, Corresponding author details; Text description, References.
- Word limit is 1500 words.
- Clinical Images
- Clinical Images are photographic depictions which include clinical images, diagnostic or investigative images especially images in radiology, endoscopy, pathology and cytopathology.
- Follows the outline of Title, Author(s) & affiliations, Corresponding author details; One short paragraph describing the Image.
- Word limit is 150 words.
- References and citations are not mandatory.
- Letter to Editors are comprehensive reports of cases/research findings related to previously published articles.
- Follows the outline of Title, Author(s) & affiliations, Corresponding author details; Text description,
- Word limit is 500-1000 words.
- Abstract is not required and letter should not be divided into sections.
- Perspective provides a forum for authors to discuss models and ideas from a personal viewpoint.
- Follows the outline of Title, Author(s) & affiliations, Corresponding author details; Text description, References.
- Word limit is 1000 words.
- Perspectives follow the same formatting guidelines as Reviews.
- Less than 5 authors: Author names (Year) Title. J Abbreviation Vol (Issue): Pg Nos. doi
- More than 5 authors: 5 Author names, et al. (Year) Title. J Abbreviation Vol (Issue): Pg Nos. doi
- Authors (Year) Title. (Edition), Country: Publisher.
- All works published by SciTech Central are under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. This permits anyone to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited.
Article Withdrawal Policy
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an author is free to withdraw an article at no charge – as long as it
is withdrawn within 1 week of its initial submission.
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We welcome your input.
Withdrawal Charges (exceptional cases)
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The withdrawal charges
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- All works published by SciTech Central are under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. This permits anyone to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited.
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- Advance Research on Endocrinology and Metabolism (ISSN: 2689-8209)
- Journal of Oral Health and Dentistry (ISSN: 2638-499X)
- Journal of Allergy Research (ISSN:2642-326X)
- Journal of Otolaryngology and Neurotology Research(ISSN:2641-6956)
- Archive of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine (ISSN:2640-2297)
- BioMed Research Journal (ISSN:2578-8892)
- Journal of Infectious Diseases and Research (ISSN: 2688-6537)