Editorial Board
Dr. Giuseppe De Rosa, Ph.D. |
Biography : Education and work experience: Giuseppe De Rosa graduated in 1997 in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at the University of Napoli Federico II. In 2001 he completed a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Technology with a dissertation with the title “Delivery of biotechnological drugs by biodegradable microspheres”, with research activity carried out in part at the University Paris-Sud of Chatenay-Malabry (France). From 1999 to 2002, he carried out research activity at the University Paris-Sud of Chatenay-Malabry (France). From 2002 Dr De Rosa was assistant professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy – University of Naples Federico II. From 2014, Dr De Rosa is associate professor at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Naples Federico II. In the same year, he received the national scientific qualification as full professor. Scientific activity: The scientific activity of Dr De Rosa can be summarized as design and development of drug delivery systems based on micro- and nanotechnologies. More in detail, the research activity is focused on the development of liposomes and other lipid-based nanovectors (e.g. self-assembling nanoparticles) for delivery of drugs especially designed for systemic or topical administration; polymeric particles for sustained release of drugs; semisolid formulations for topical administration of drugs. Dr De Rosa is author of about 80 papers on international journals, 4 book chapters and different patent applications (with granted PCT, US and EU patent). On product developed by G. De Rosa received the orphan designation by European Medicine Agency in august 2016. For his research activity, Dr De Rosa received different financial support, among them one by MIUR (Italian Minister for the University and Research) and Ministero della Salute (Italian Minister of Health). |
Research Interest : Dr De Rosa is Editor in Chief of International Journal of Medical Nano Research and member of the Editorial Board of different journals in the field of drug delivery; he was Lead Guest Editor for Journal of Drug Delivery co-Guest Editor for Journal of Amino Acids. He also collaborates as referee with different international journals of pharmaceutical technology. Dr De Rosa received different awards, among them two awards by the Italian association of pharmaceutical industry (Associazione Farmaceutici Industria or AFI) for the best presented work during the Annual Symposyium AFI in June 2011 and 2013, respectively. Dr De Rosa is member of the Board ADRITELF Italy Chapter, member of the Board of the Controlled Release Society (CRS), and member of other scientific associations or research centers. |
- Journal of Genetics and Cell Biology (ISSN:2639-3360)
- Journal of Microbiology and Microbial Infections (ISSN: 2689-7660)
- Journal of Genomic Medicine and Pharmacogenomics (ISSN:2474-4670)
- Proteomics and Bioinformatics (ISSN:2641-7561)
- Journal of Veterinary and Marine Sciences (ISSN: 2689-7830)
- Journal of Womens Health and Safety Research (ISSN:2577-1388)
- Food and Nutrition-Current Research (ISSN:2638-1095)