Editorial Board
Prof. Dr. Aidy Ali, B.Eng. M.Eng, Ph.D, MESIS, MSAMPE, MPIK, MISDS |
Biography : Aidy Ali is a Professor of mechanical Engineering at National Defence University of Malaysia (UPNM). He received his first degree in Mechanical Engineering from Universiti Putra Malaysia, 1999. He then pursued his Ph.D degree in Year 2003 research on Improving Fatigue Life of Aircraft Components By Using Surface Engineering at Sheffield University, He then appointed as lecturer at Universiti Putra Malaysia in 2006, rapidly promoted to Senior lecturer in 2008, rapidly promoted to Associate Professor in 2010, appointed as Professor in 2012, all within 6 years period of time. His expertise is related to mechanical Materials for Defense Applications, Fatigue, Fracture of materials, Failure assessment, Failure prevention analysis, Reliability engineering prediction and Crash analysis. Professor Aidy has more than 17 years of experienced in research and teaching in the field of mechanical especially in Mechanical Fatigue and Fracture of Materials. He has published more than 140 journals in scopus and ISI indexed, 19 books, and secure more than 24 research grants. He has graduated 16 Ph.D. Students, 36 Master Students by research. He is now Editor in Chief of International Journal Engineering and Technology (IJET) Switzerland. He is now holding deputy director of academic for executive studies in UPNM. |
Research Interest : His expertise is related to mechanical Materials for Defense Applications, Fatigue, Fracture of materials, Failure assessment, Failure prevention analysis, Reliability engineering prediction and Crash analysis. |