Editorial Board
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Prof. Valentina Di Felice, MSc, PhD |
Biography : Prof. Valentina Di Felice, was born in Palermo in 1973. She gain her degree in Biological Sciences in 1997 with First Class Honours, obtained her PhD in 2005 and a Medical Specialization in Virology and Microbiolgy in 2008. From 2003 she works at the Human Anatomy Section of the BIONEC Department of the University of Palermo with Prof Giovanni Zummo, and since 2003 she performed her research mainly on the heart and cardiac progenitor cells publishing a few important papers. She gained her permanent position in 2005 as a University researcher even before ending the PhD course and the Medical Specialization. From 2003 until now she teaches in many Human Anatomy coursed from several faculties and also in the Medical School. She is becoming Associate Professor of Human Anatomy at the University of Palermo. From 2003 until now she obtained many fundings: Principal Investigator in the researchproject “Progetto Ex-60% MURST 2007”: “Studio del possibile recettore di membrana della Vasostatina-1 umana e dal corrispondente peptide di ratto su colture tridimensionali dimiocardiociti di ratto adulto”; Co-investigator in the researchproject "L'unita' trofica epitelio-mesenchimale nella patogenesi dell'asma: un nuovo modello sperimentale." (codice OIPA07FHBX) Progetti innovativi ordinari University of Palermo year 2007; Co-investigator in the “Ricerca Finalizzata IZI-2007-634467: Adult mesenchymal stem cells: differentiative lineages and applications in autologus and allogen icimplantation and tissue remodeling.”; Co-investigator in the “PRIN 2009 - National ResearchProjects from Ministry of the University and Research: Correlationbetween the overexpression of Heat Shock Proteins and exercise in the tumormaassreduction of a mouse model of cachexia”.; Co-investigator in a research project “Intensive Erasmus Programme”, whosetitlewas “Stem Cell Application: from Benchside to Bedside” founded to the University of Erciyes – Kayseri – Turkey in 2013.; Principal investigator in the project: “CORI 2011 - University of Palermo - funds to write, organise and send an European Project on cardiacstemcells and regenerative medicine to the FP7.; Principal Investigator nel progetto Finanziamenti Ricerca di Ateneo a valere sul Fondo Finalizzato alla Ricerca (FFR) 2012/2013 dal titolo “Effetti dell'esercizio fisico su un modello animale di osteoporosi e valutazioni morfologiche” € 3.087.; Co-investigator nel progetto “PRIN2012 – Progetti di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale: L’Esercizio Fisico per Prevenire e Contrastare Sarcopenia e Cachessia Muscolare: il Ruolo dell’Omeostasi Redox” €83.000.; Principal Investigator of a project founfed by MIUR, PON RI 2014-2020 – Asse prioritario I “Investimenti in Capitale Umano”, Azione I.1 “Dottorati innovativi con caratterizzazione industriale”. She has been appointed as Research Topic Editor of the Journal Frontiers in Physiology in 2015. |
Research Interest : Chromogranin A derived peptides and their role in heart function and NO synthetase. Extracellular matrix – cell interactions and HSP90 and eNOS involvement. Replicative senescence and chlamydial infections. Chlamydia spp and its role in carcinogenesis and autoimmunity. CLA supplementation and strength development in human. Effects of CLA supplementation and exercise on mouse bone marrow. Cardiac Stem Cells, differentiation and tissue engineering for clinical application. microRNAs and heart development. Exercise and cachexia |
- International Journal of Surgery and Invasive Procedures (ISSN:2640-0820)
- Journal of Clinical Trials and Research (ISSN:2637-7373)
- Journal of Spine Diseases
- Journal of Immunology Research and Therapy (ISSN:2472-727X)
- Journal of Renal Transplantation Science (ISSN:2640-0847)
- Journal of Forensic Research and Criminal Investigation (ISSN: 2640-0846)
- Oncology Clinics and Research (ISSN: 2643-055X)