Biography :
Dr. Sanjay Kumar has been working as Assistant Professor in Department of Microbiology at Bundelkhand University since 2013. Qualified CSIR-NET in Life Sciences securing all India rank 69, Qualified Graduate aptitude test (GATE), Qualified UGC-NET in Environmental Sciences. He has also worked as visiting faculty at Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University (RLB CAU), Jhansi during academic session 2015-16. Invited lecture in national seminar on Recent Trends in Microbiology at DDU Gkp University, March 15, 2014. Dr. Kumar has delivered several lectures as key note speaker in INSPIRE Science Camp program sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, January 19-23, 2015 at Allahabad. Dr. Kumar is recipient of best paper presentation award in 5 th International Conference on Vetiver (ICV-5) Organized at CSIR-CIMAP, 2011. He has been dedicated to research and development in heavy metals and microbial interactions in polluted soil, impact on soil microbial diversity and microbe-mediated synchronized Phytoremediation. Co-organizing secretary in workshop organized on 5 th March 2019, Internal Mentor in molecular biology training 26-27, November, 2019 organized at Bundelkhand University. Member Board of Studies in Microbiology 2014-2022, Bundelkhand University. Members of UGC-STRIDE (I) project for Mentoring and Monitoring Committee (MMC), Bundelkhand University, Jhansi since March 2020. He has completed both Refresher and Orientation course in the year 2014 and 2017 respectively at UGC - Human Resource Development Center (Academic Staff College) at DDU Gkp University. Dr. Kumar has published dozens of research papers in relevant area of Microbiology with high impact factor journals having h-index-04, i10-index-04, and Citation 189. Dr Kumar has supervised several students for their dissertation works. He is in the editorial committees of several high ranked journals.