Editorial Board

Prof. Ramji Singh

Prof. Ramji Singh
Department of Plant Pathology
SVBPUAT, Modipuram

Biography :

1. Successfully managed the Department of Plant Pathology for 7 years. Department is equipped with all required facility for teaching and research. 2. Department of Plant Pathology is equipped with Six research projects 3. Department of Plant pathology has got a centre of excellence for sanitary and phyto-sanitary certification for export commodities 4. Department of Plant pathology has got a centre of excellence for Basmati rice 5. Department of Plant pathology has got two international project on rice in collaboration with International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) Manila Philippines. 6. Successfully managed the Department of Basic Science for 1 years.

Research Interest :

1.Biological control of Fungal diseases using Trichoderma spp. 2.M massculturing and mass multiplication of Biocontrol agents 3.Management of Rice diseases 4. Management of wheat Diseases 5. Management of Vegetable diseases 6. Molecular and physiological plant pathology