Editorial Board

Dr. Venkata S. S. Kantamreddi

Dr. Venkata S. S. Kantamreddi
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
Gitam Institute of Technology, GITAM University

Biography :

VSS Kantamreddi, Chemist, received his PhD in Chemistry from University of Bradford, United Kingdom under Common wealth Scholarship. Has sixteen years of professional experience including teaching, research and industry. Expertise in isolation and structural elucidation of natural products, quantifications of bio-active markers, stan¬dardization of herbal drugs and in-vitro antiplasmodial screenings. Also, exposure in bio-remediation, determination of cytotoxic and anti-microbial assays. His area of research interest is to develop potent an¬timalarials. He is currently working as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, India.

Research Interest :

Antimalarial drug development, isolation & identification of bio-active natural products, and standardisation of herbal drugs