Editorial Board

Prof. Najim Abbas Al awwadi

Prof. Najim Abbas Al awwadi
Faculty of of pharmacy
University of Thi-Qar / Al Nasiryia

Biography :

I participated in more thak 40 world conferences in differents countries in the medical and public health field and the right of man. I have held several posts and social activities by French companies during my 14 years in France. Also I have held several posts and social and political activities by Irakienne associations and the parties politics during my 6 years in Iraq. • Doctoriales Languedoc-Roussillon Mèze November 17-23, 2002 (learning the presentation and personal communication, discovery of the corporate world, achieving a multidisciplinary team innovation project). • Module of the Doctoral School: computer and technical tools of information and communication. • Module English: House of Graduate Schools.

Research Interest :

Pharmacology, Veterinary Science