Articles - Press

Alveolar Hemorrhage as a Manifestation of Leptospirosis - A Pediatric Case
Mariana Meneses*, Rita Barroca, Catarina Tavares, Rui Almeida, Marco Pereira and Sofia Jordão
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Medical Employees Knowledge and Attitudine Relating to Standard Precautions at the State Specialist Hospital Potiskum
Samira Ahmad Bashir*, Adamu SS and Gwio HM
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Role of Genetics in Plummer-Vinson Syndrome and Recent Breakthroughs
Arnabjyoti De*
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From Hearing to Headache: A Case of Otitis Media to Skull Base Cranial Osteomyelitis
Shaheen Omar and Rebekah Lantz*
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Pediatric Rhabdomyolysis: Management Considerations and Treatment Algorithm-Case Study
Hamza Haj Mohamad*, Fatima Audi, Sarah Haj Mohamad, Reem Alketbi, Ahmed Emara, Deema Alhayali, Omar Kusay Hamrawi, Maryam Mohanad Al Ansari, Ayah Rustom and Mohamed Naggari
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Antibiotics Produced by Bacteria of the Genus Bacillus
Rami Hammod*
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