Articles - Press

Diphtheria: Assessing Factors Responsible for Re-Emergence in Northern Nigeria
Samira Ahmad Bashir* and Shuaib Sani Shuaib
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COVID-19 in Sarcoidosis Patients
Attapon Cheepsattayakorn*, Porntep Siriwanarangsun and Ruangrong Cheepsattayakorn
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Multiple Bruises and Petechiae in a Child with the Diagnosis of Chickenpox
Ana Sofia Rodrigues*, Aida Correia de Azevedo, Fernanda Carvalho and Sónia Carvalho
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Awareness and Knowledge among Care Providers for Infection Control and Biomedical Waste Management in High Risk Areas in a Tertiary Care Hospital of North India
Amandeep Kaur Acharya* and Surjeet Acharya
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Plasmapheresis as an Effective Bridge Treatment in Hyperthyroidism Refractory to Medical Treatment
Valli D, Follin V, Echegoyen M*, Lopez Giovanelli J, Rubin, Cabezas L, Cuello L, Martin G and Doña D
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Alveolar Hemorrhage as a Manifestation of Leptospirosis - A Pediatric Case
Mariana Meneses*, Rita Barroca, Catarina Tavares, Rui Almeida, Marco Pereira and Sofia Jordao
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