Articles - Archives

Volume: 1   Issue: 1


The Importance of Well Being for the Veterinary and Farming Sector
Rachel Huyton*
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Zoonotic Transmission of Canine Scabies: A Case Report
Vipin K Gupta*, D Bansal and P Gupta
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Hemato-Biochemical Response with Highlights on the Role of Oxidants and Antioxidants in Pneumonic Sheep
Hany Y Hassan*, Ahmed Kamr, Ali Abdelazeim and Hadeer Khaled
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Chemotherapy of Genital Warts
Arsalan Khan*
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Adaptive Ability of Limousine-Madura Crossed Cattle Compare with Madura Cattle at Madura Island
Sucik Maylinda*, Betris Sofia Ningrum and Woro Busono
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