Articles - Archives

Volume: 2   Issue: 2

JUNE 2020

Catastrophic Climate Change Requires New Society Model
Fernando Alcoforado*
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Ammelioration of Salt Stress in Sunflower by Foliar Application of Spermidine
Humaira Gul*, Fazal Muhammad, Mamoona Arif, Maria Farman and Mohib Shah
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Hematological Parameters and Serum Biochemical Indices of Weaner Rabbits Fed Diets with Threshed Rice Head Supplemented with and without Enzyme as Replacement for Maize
Ojoh O*, Adeniji AA and Oluwafemi RA
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Computational Analysis of Mycobacterium bovis Protein Sequence
Dauda A1*, Abbaya HY2 and Ndirpaya AD3
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Suitability of Citrated Egg Yolk Semen Extender for Short Term Preservation of the Milt of the African Catfish Clarias gariepinus Stored in Deep Freezer
Ubah Simon Azubuike*, Nwankwo Prisca Adaoma, Obudu Christopher Ese, Ogunbodede Mofuloku Ade and Enem Simon Ikechukwu
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