Articles - Archives

Volume: 2   Issue: 2


Pure Sodium and Neurological Health
Alok Thakur*
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Formulation and Evaluation of Herbal Toothpaste: In Vitro Study
Nikita RN*, Manojkumar NN and Magdum CS
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Lipid Nano-Vehicles for Cyanide Antagonism: A Mini-Review
Jayanna PK, Budai L and Petrikovics I*
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An Insight into FDA Recall Notification of Ranitidine: A Mini Review
Rukaiah Fatma Begum, Swathi Suresh and Ramaiyan Velmurugan*
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Development and Validation of RP-HPLC Method for Estimation Safinamide in its Bulk and Tablet Dosage Form.
Pranali CB* and Bachhav RS
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