Articles - Archives

Volume: 2   Issue: 2

MAY 2019

Human Neutrophil Antibodies Associated with Early and Chronic Antibody Mediated Rejection in Kidney Transplant Recipients
Timothy Key*, Vaughan Carter, Sarinder Day, John Goodwin, Paula Goodwin1 Amanda Knight Faye Mather, Anthony Poles, Olivia Shaw, Keith M Rigg and William McKane
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Post-Transplant Gingival Hyperplasia: A Brief Review
Reem Ahmed, Ajay Sharma and Ahmed Halawa*
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Management of Diabetic Patient with CKD 5 and Progressive Diabetic Complications: A Case-Based Review
Fedaey Abbas, Mohsen El Kossi, Jon Jin Kim, Ihab Sakr Shaheen, Ajay Sharma, Ravi Pararajasingam and Ahmed Halawa*
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Post-operative Surgical Complications after Kidney Transplantation – A Nephrologist’s Perspective
Kanagasabapathy Kamaraj, Ahmed.Halawa and Ajay Sharma*
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Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder: A Clinical Perspective
Nalaka Gunawansa, Roshni Rathore, Ajay Sharma and Ahmed Halawa
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