Articles - Archives

Volume: 1   Issue: 1


Effects of Mobile Phone Radiation and Exercise on Testicular Function in Male Wistar Rats
Okechukwu Chidiebere Emmanuel*
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Management of New Onset Diabetes: Time to Change Therapeutic Strategies
Usama A Sharaf El-Din*, Mona M Salem and Dina O Abdulazim
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Why Do Scientists Call for an Action against Vitamin D Deficiency and What is Behind the Scene?
Aiman Ahmad Al-Farwi*
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Influence of Commensal Microbiota in Barrier Function of Intestinal Mucosal Epithelium
Laura Michie and Haley O Tucker*
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Hyperglycemia Modulates the Effects of Vitamin D Analogs on Human Derived Female Cultured Bone Cells and Female Bone Cell Lines
D Somjen*, E Knoll, O Sharon and S Katzburg
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