Articles - Current Issue

Volume: 4   Issue: 2

JULY 2022

Pneumocystis Jerovecii in Systemic Lupus Erythomatosus
Tuhin Sultana*
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Impact of Orthodontic Force on Genes During Leveling and Alignment: A Systematic Review
Siddharth Sonwane*, Shweta R Sonwane (Kamble) and Satvik Kulkarni
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Personalized Management of Hypertension: The Emerging Role of Omics in Pharmacotherapy of Hypertension
Tejus A*, Mathur AG and Sinha S
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Machine Learning Models for Drug Delivery in Subcellular Localization of HIV-1 subtypes and HIV-2
Dubey A*
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Amazon the Past and the Future
Luiz Antonio Barreto de Castro*
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