Articles - Archives

Volume: 6   Issue: 1


Soil Evaluation Research for Salton Sea-A Survey of Available Salton Sea Soil and Sediment Evaluation Research Literature
Jerry Gao*, Akshata Deo and Sen Chiao
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Essential Oil Yield and its Composition of Greek Oregano (Origanum vulgare) Under Different Irrigation Management
Maria Fournomiti*, Athanasios Kimbaris, Sinapidou E, Eugenia E Bezirtzoglou and Athanasios Alexopoulos.
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Knowledge and Adoption of Cropping and Management Techniques of Chili (Capsicum Annum L) Production Under Rain-Fed Farming
Zangmo R*, Wattanachaiyingcharoen D, Pansak W and Gurung T
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Formulation of WEAP Based Water Allocation Plan of a Rain-Fed Micro-Watershed, Chhattisgarh, India. Water Allocation Plan of a Rain- Fed Watershed Using WEAP
Aashi Agarwal*, Jyoti P Patil, K V Jayakumar and V C Goyal
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Field Effects in Mathematical Modeling’s
Dassonville PF*
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