Articles - Archives

Volume: 2   Issue: 2

MAY 2019

Lipoma of the breast in a developing community
Wilson IB Onuigbo*, Chineme Anyaeze, Gabriel Njeze and Raphael Eruchalu
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Opinion on Nanorobotics, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology as Nanomedicines for future medical practices
Md. Sadique Shaikh* and Jyoti Firke
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Adrenal metastasis in colon carcinoma: Not easy to consider but easy to find
Mourad Abid*, Yousri Ballah, Mourad Brahim, Faycel Chaib Eddour and Zakia Kordjani
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Laparoscopic Reversal of Hartmann Procedure: Where are We?
Ghalleb M, Bouzaiene H*, Bouida A, Zemni I, Ben Hassoun J, Chargui R and Rahal R
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