Articles - Archives

Volume: 2   Issue: 1


3-Mercaptopropylamine and Epichlorohydrin Modified Graphene Oxide Composites (GO-ECH-MPNH2): A High Efficient Adsorbent for Endotoxin from Aqueous Solution
Farid Abu Shammala* and Barry Chiswell
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The Study of Serum Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha and Adiponectin Levels as Diagnostic Markers in Obese Patients
Patil SM*, Padalkar RK, Andure DV, Bhagat SS, Raut AM and Dravid UR
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Zeolites Significantly Diminish Lead Intoxication Harm
Svetla E Teodorova*, Michaela Beltcheva, Roumiana Metcheva, Margarita Topashka Ancheva and Nikolay Popov
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