Articles - Archives

Volume: 4   Issue: 1

APRIL 2020

Prevalence of Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptive among Women of Reproductive Age Group in Debre Tabor Town Visiting Health Institution, North-West Ethiopia 2018. An Institutional Based Study
Goshu YA* and Hayley M
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Effect of Depot-Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (DMPA) on Ovary and Uterine Tube of White Albino Rat a Histopathological Study
Sharma S* and Koirala S and Baral P and Bajrachrya M and Shakya T
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Anatomopathological Diagnosis of Granulomatous Mastites by Histoplasma capsulatum: Case Report
Marcal JMB*, Bringhenti RN, Maciel ACA, Sampaio PMR, Zerwes F, Belli AJ and Dariva A
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Sexual Violence and Its Associated Factors among Regular Female Students in College of Medical Sciences, Jimma University, Southwest Ethiopia, 2017
Melaku Admas*, Asmare Talie, Likinaw Bewket, Belsity Temesgen, Tinsaye Kassa and Mekuanint Taddele
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Imaging of Condylomata by Endoscopy with Narrow Band Image
Salwa Samir Anter*
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