Articles - Archives

Volume: 6   Issue: 3


Orphan Drug Nitisinone in Dermatology
Shreya K*
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ECG Findings and Clinical Presentations of Myocardial Ischemia Reported among Patients with Cardiac Metastasis from Lung Malignancies: A Narrative Review
Swetha Kannan*
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Formulation Development and Evaluation of Bilayer Tablet of Aspirin and Nicotinic Acid
Satyam Shrivastava, Amit Sahu*, Kavita R Loksh and Aarti Rajput
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Fabrication and Evaluation of Antihypertensive Buccal Mucoadhesive Tablet by Using Natural Polymer
Ashwani Kumar Tiwari*, Amit Sahu and Kavita R Lokesh
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Glucose Control Among Type I Diabetic Patients in Vihiga County: Is Facility-Based Health Education, Adherence Counselling and Motivation Enough?
Erick W Sikuku*, Jerusa Oluhano**, Mike Endovo, Laurine Mukopi and Jacqueline Oduor
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Comparative Evaluation of Microleakage and Fracture Strength of Natural Substrate and Mineral Trioxide Aggregate as Pulp Capping Agents in Class I Cavity: An In-Vitro Study
Rupam Kaur*, Kanwalpreet Kaur Bhullar, Smiley Goyal, Harkiran Sahiwal, Jasneel Singh Grover and Ravneet Nagi
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Fluoroquinolones for the Treatment of Tuberculosis: An Overview
Sourabh D Jain*, Sumeet Prachand and Arun K Gupta
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Unraveling the Anticancer Properties of Mannose: A Comprehensive Review and Prospects for Clinical Translation
Sharmila Nirojini Palaniswamy*, Redlin Jani Rajan, Maddirevula Maneesh Kumar Reddy, Narmadha Udayakumaran, Neesha Solanky Karthik, Bhuvaneshwari Natarajan, Merlin Illavarasi David, Bhavadaarini Veeramuthu
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