Articles - Archives

Volume: 2   Issue: 6


Breast Milk, Formula Milk, Cow Milk, Soy Milk and Malaria
Pierre Lutgen* and Constant Tchandema
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A Study on Acid-Base Indicator Characteristics of Hydro-Alcoholic Extract of Jasminum officinale and Ixora coccinea Flowers
Shubhangi Kshirsagar*, Smita Takarkhede, Nilofar Abid Khan, Gayatri G Varma and Pranali Sonawane
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The Effects of Oral Contraceptives on Nutrient Status, with especial Consideration to Folate
Michael Wakeman*
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Deacylation of Echinocandin B by Streptomyces Species: A Novel Method for the Production of Echinocandin B Nucleus
Shivakumar MC, Manohar SH, Ishwar Bajaj, Raghu Palle and Savitha J*
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Vitamin A and Malaria: Beware!
Pierre Lutgen* and Constant Tchandema
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