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Several post-COVID-19 inflammatory disorders and autoimmune diseases have been discovered [1] since global COVID-19 pandemic started [2]. Association between these diseases is still to be investigated [2]. Common genes between COVID-19 and sarcoidosis are demonstrated in Figures 1 & 2 [3]. Nevertheless, sarcoidosis organ involvement, demographics, and type of sarcoidosis treatment at the time of COVID-19 diagnosis are related to hospital admission, non-invasive ventilation or high flow oxygenation, intubation [4]. A retrospective hospital-based cohort study of 585 French sarcoidosis patients in 2017, demonstrated an estimate of a 5 % frequency of severe infections that resulting in hospital admission and death [5]. A typical HRCT feature in sarcoidosis is the presence of well-defined micronodules scattered along the broncho-vascular bundle, veins, fissures and pleura in a characteristic lymphatic distribution. Occasionally, “galaxy sign”, a highly suggestive of pulmonary sarcoidosis (predominance of a mid-to-upper lung zones) may demonstrates conglomerate masses that are surrounded by a multitude of micronodules (Figure 3) [6].

Besides sarcoidosis of lungs, symptomatic and accidental extrapulmonary sarcoidosis is also found around the world (Figures 5-7) [7-9].
In conclusion, hub gene identification might have significant roles in modulating sarcoidosis and COVID-19 infection. In the literature, cases with sarcoid-like granuloma have been reported very few. Sarcoid-like immune response to COVID-19 could be noncaseating granulomas due to short time from disease to develop granuloma.
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- Archive of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine (ISSN:2640-2297)
- Journal of Otolaryngology and Neurotology Research(ISSN:2641-6956)
- International Journal of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics (ISSN: 2689-7687)
- Advance Research on Alzheimers and Parkinsons Disease
- Journal of Nursing and Occupational Health (ISSN: 2640-0845)
- Journal of Allergy Research (ISSN:2642-326X)
- International Journal of Diabetes (ISSN: 2644-3031)