Epidemiology and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Uropathogenic Germs in Patients Treated at the Ignace Deen National Hospital in Conakry
Taliby Dos Camara*, Abdoulaye Makanera, Mounaida Rachid and Mory Camara
Corresponding Author: Taliby Dos Camara, Microbiology Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, and Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry, BP: 1147, Republic of Guinea.
Revised: November 28, 2023; Available Online: November 28, 2023
Citation: Camara TD, Makanera A, Rachid M & Camara M. (2023) Epidemiology and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Uropathogenic Germs in Patients Treated at the Ignace Deen National Hospital in Conakry. J Infect Dis Res, 6(S4): 25.
Copyrights: ©2023 Camara TD, Makanera A, Rachid M & Camara M. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Macroscopic analysis of 228 urine samples showed that 61% were clear, 33% were cloudy and 6% were hematic. Microscopic analysis showed that 61% of the urine was germ-free, compared with 30% containing gram-negative bacilli and 9% gram-positive cocci. According to cytology, leucocyturia was significant in all patients, with 100% of urine infected. Oxalate crystals were present in 23% and epithelial cells in 91%. In terms of hemoglobin levels, 98% of patients had low hemoglobin levels, with the following anemia typology: frustrated anemia 31%, moderate anemia 64% and severe anemia 10%. The germs isolated were: E. coli was the most common (52%), Klebisiella pneumoniae (13%), Enteroccus spp. (9%), Enterobacter cloacae complex and Staphyloccus aureus each accounted for 8%, and Staphyloccocus hemoliticus (6%). Other germs were poorly represented: Pseudomonas aeruginosa (3%) and Acinetobacter baumanni (1%). The antibiogram showed that certain antibiotics were effective: Imipenem (75%), Cefoxitin (65%), Ertapenem (64%) and Amikacin (61%). In terms of epidemiological variables, all age groups were concerned by urological infections, but those aged 51 years and over to 40 years and 25 to 50 years were the most represented in our study, with 54% and 28% respectively. Marital status shows that married people are the most exposed to urinary tract infections, with a prevalence of 78%. Housewives are the most represented, at 30%, followed by administrative staff, at 19%, and patients with urinary tract infections from the Ratoma commune are the most represented, at 35%. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a major public health problem that must be managed by means of antibiotic susceptibility testing and, where appropriate, monitoring of hematological parameters.

Keywords: Urinary tract infections, Epidemiology, Antibiotic susceptibility testing, Conakry