Developing an Implementation Model for Gender Equality and Disability Inclusivity at Marriott Group Hotels in Bali to Foster Sustainable Tourism
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The implementation of gender and disability in the hotel industry is an important issue that needs to be fought for in sustainable tourism which has always been a reference in tourism development throughout the world. The awareness of tourism industry players, local residents and tourists in supporting sustainable tourism development is increasingly being echoed in order to improve the welfare of society as a whole including gender and disability in achieving the SDGs goals. The specific objectives of this study are (1) to find out the implementation of gender and disability at Marriot Group Hotels in Bali (2) to analyze the relationship between the implementation of gender and disability with employee performance at the Marriot Group Hotels in Bali, (3) to design a model for implementing gender and disability at the Marriot Group Hotels in Bali. The research method used is an interpretive qualitative method to explore the implementation of gender and disability at the Marriot Group Hotel in Bali in a more comprehensive manner. The data collection technique that will be carried out is by observation, in-depth interviews, distributing questionnaires (google form) to all of cluster HRD Managers, as well as conducting FGDs with a number of informants who have been determined purposively. The results of the study show that the implementation of gender is in accordance with the regulations, while the implementation of disability is not implemented in all hotels. The effect of applying gender and disability on performance shows a positive effect (63%). From the results of the interviews and FGDs, a gender and disability implementation model has been verified which can increase the achievement of the SDGs and is expected to further support sustainable tourism.
Keywords: Gender, Disability, Sustainable tourism, Hotel, SDGs