The Role of Spiritual Perception on the Feeling of Cohesion in the Corona Period by Attending the Religious Site of Ibnbaboyeh
Mahdieh Shahrabi Farahani*
Corresponding Author: Mahdieh Shahrabi Farahani, The Soft Technology and Cultural Industries Park, Tehran, Iran.
Revised: February 02, 2024; Available Online: February 02, 2024
Citation: Farahani MS. (2024) The Role of Spiritual Perception on the Feeling of Cohesion in the Corona Period by Attending the Religious Site of Ibnbaboyeh. JTSM, 6(S1): 01.
Copyrights: ©2024 Farahani MS. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Spiritual perception is a concept to gain spiritual experience, a sense of closeness, connection to nature, and inner peace. In this case, the cohesion feeling is a general direction of human life that determines the degree of human resistance to pressures, stresses, and hardships. When it comes to Covid-19 in the world, this disease should be considered as a psychosocial reality in addition to considering the issue of health and hygiene. Covid-19 caused feelings of insecurity, fear, anxiety, negative emotions, rejection, despair and forced people to quarantine at home. This research has been conducted with the qualitative method based on the descriptive-analytical method. Research data were collected in two sections of library documents and interviews. In addition, the content analysis method was used to analyze the data. The research area is IbnBaboyeh religious site in Tehran, and the research time area is March 2020. According to studies and research on IbnBaboyeh's religious site, spiritual perception is an inner and cognitive concept of each person's spiritual perceptions. Antonovsky's theory was questioned in the Corona period based on the three comprehensibility/manageability/significance. The studies indicate that spiritual perception is related to God, the Creator of the universe, and the world of spirituality and meaning. The human becomes closer to God by Spiritual perception and contemplation, which causes the submission to the Creator. The self-surrender is a significant reason for promoting and improving a sense of individual cohesion.

Keywords: Spiritual perception, Religious site, Sense of cohesion, Corona disease