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Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a heterogeneous disease that can involve a
patient's peripheral and axial joints, entheses, skin and nails. PsA is more a
gressive in geriatric patients with several co-morbidities. Systemic therapies
that are indicated in PsA seem to have many side effects in geriatric patients.
Method: It
was a systematic literature review via electronic search using Medline,
Pubmed, Pubmed central,
Cochrane, Google scholar, web of science and embase, ACR reports.
Comment: PsA
is a rare form of psoriasis. Genetic predisposition to psoriasis follows a
multifactorial pattern. In senegal, a study conducted on 35 cases of psoriatic
arthritis reported a family history in 57% of cases. With HIV epidemic,
numerous reports of HIV infected patients with psoriatic arthritis were
published. These genetic components and the Environmental factors interact to lead to immune
dysregulation. Recent studies on psoriatic arthritis suggested that IL-6 is necessary
for production of antibodies specific for joint components (autoimmune phase)
and TNF is necessary for generation of arthritis (inflammation phase).
Psoriatic arthritis is traditionally defined as an inflammatory, rheumatoid
factor-negative arthritis associated with psoriasis.
Due to the absence of specific biological markers for
psoriatic arthritis, many tools have been recommended to diagnose PsA. Before
the introduction of biotherapy, sulfasalazine and methotrexate were the
most used, and
study drugs in peripheral forms of PsA patients. Biological
therapies, mainly TNF inhibitors, have greatly improved the ability of
clinicians to treat the various manifestations of PsA. Their side effects
limited their use in geriatric patients, due to senescence, and co-morbidity
associated with.
Conclusion: PsA
impact negatively their quality of life and self care. Systemic treatments like
TNF-antagonists that are recommended to treat PsA have many side effects in
this population group. Therefore, it should carefully be used.
Key words: Psoriasis,
Psoriatic arthritis, Clinic and Diagnosis, Management
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