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This review discusses the current state of knowledge
surrounding the role of commensal bacteria in supporting intestinal mucosal
barrier protection. We focus on two aspects of physical barrier function: Tight
junction maintenance and mucus production.
Throughout the small and large intestine, a
protective mucosal barrier lines exchange surfaces. This barrier is made up of
intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) coated with two mucus layers. IECs function
as the first line of defense against invading pathogens and external toxins
[1]. IECs are connected by tight junctions to prevent entry of pathogens and
allow for selective absorption of nutrients. Mucus layers permit regulation of
barrier homeostasis and provide an interface for immune molecules to initiate
immune responses [2].
The intestinal mucosal barrier also contains
a diverse population of harmless commensal bacteria, known as the gut
microbiota (about 1014 bacteria). Commensal bacteria help to
maintain gut homeostasis in a variety of ways, including: 1) allowing for the
digestion of dietary fiber; 2) supporting host immune system function; 3)
preventing colonization of enteric pathogens [2]. Notably, commensal bacteria
have been shown to engage in complex interactions with IECs and to modulate
intestinal barrier function [1].
Intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) are held
together by tight junctions (TJs).
TJs are integral membrane proteins.
TJs encircle IECs on the apical edges and limit the permeability of the
epithelial lining in order to prevent entrance of pathogens into the body
tissue and bloodstream. Modifying TJs has been associated with changes in gut
permeability, as a “leaky” gut epithelium exasperates many gastrointestinal
disorders [3].
Several recent studies have investigated how
commensal microbiota may influence TJ presence. In one study, Karczewski et al.
[3] investigated how the commensal
bacterium Lactobacillus plantarum enhanced
intestinal barrier protection. They administered L. plantarum to human subjects for a 6 hour time periods, collected
duodenum biopsies, and performed immunostaining with fluorescent antibodies
targeting tight junction proteins ZO-1 (zonula occluden-1) and occludin. They
quantified the fluorescence intensity of these two proteins and found that both
ZO-1 and occludin had increased staining in IECs (Figure 1). Their results suggested that L. plantarum strengthens TJs by decreasing gut permeability and by
enhancing barrier protection.
A second study by Shimada et al. [4] inquired
how indole, a quorum-sensing molecule present in commensal bacteria
communities, might positively influence intestinal barrier function. They
demonstrated that Germ-Free (GF) mice, which contain no microbiota, have
reduced expression of TJ-associated molecules. Further, when treated with
capsules containing indole, GF mice recovered increased mRNA expression of the
same TJ molecules [4]. This result directly demonstrates that a product of
commensal bacteria-indole-
A third study provided further support for the positive role of commensal bacteria in strengthening barrier protection. Singh et al. [5] observed that TJ proteins ZO-1, Cldn4 and Ocln are significantly upregulated in an epithelial cell line after being exposed to the microbial metabolite UroA (Figure 2).
These three studies together demonstrate that
commensal bacteria, as well as products and metabolites of commensal bacteria,
cause increased expression of proteins that make up TJs in IECs. These studies
provide strong evidence that commensal bacteria play beneficial roles in
maintaining the intestinal mucosal barrier by decreasing permeability of the
The second major component of intestinal
barrier function involves the mucus layers which coat the epithelial lining.
These mucus layers are secreted by IECs, termed goblet cells, are essential for
gut homeostasis. For example, goblet cells provide a functional barrier between
host IECs and all pathogens and toxins within the gut. They create a sheltering
environment for commensal bacteria and they provide an interface for immune
responses [6].
Recently Martín et al. [7] investigated how
the commensal bacterium Lactobacillus
rhamnosus CNCM I-3690 protects the intestinal barrier. To accomplish this,
they treated mice with CNCM I-3690 bacteria and performed cell staining of
intestinal epithelium samples. This approach allowed quantitative determination
of the number of goblet cells in bacteria-treated mice. Additionally, mucus
layer thickness was measured by immunohistochemistry. They found that the
untreated group had a significantly thinner mucus lining than the group treated
with CNCM I-3690 [7].
These results suggest that the commensal
bacterium Lactobacillus rhamnosus
CNCM I-3690 is able to maintain mucus-secreting goblet cells and the mucus
layer, which in turn benefits barrier protection.
In another study, Wrzosek et al. [8] queried how the commensal bacteria Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron impacts the intestinal mucus layer. They observed that mice inoculated with B. thetaiotaomicron contain significantly more goblet cells than Germ-Free (GF) mice, have more KLF4 protein (important for goblet cell differentiation) and express higher levels of genes involved in mucus synthesis [8] (Figure 3). This study provided further evidence that commensal bacteria promote mucus production, and thereby, gut homeostasis.
Finally, a third study by Petersson et al. [6] investigated whether bacterial products can positively impact the mucosal barrier. To assess this question, the group measured the thickness of the intestinal mucus layer in GF and normal mice. They found that GF mice had a much thinner layer of mucus on the epithelium. Then, they treated GF mice with commensal bacterial products such as peptidoglycan (PGN) and lipopolysaccharides (LPS). Within 40 min post-treatment, the mucus layer had restored itself to normal levels [6] (Figure 4).
This result is remarkable as it suggests a
direct link between mucus production and the products of commensal bacteria. It
further strengthens a model in which commensal bacteria and their products
promote intestinal barrier function specifically through maintenance of the
mucosal layer [9].
For some time now, commensal gut microbiotas
have been associated with positive health outcomes for a variety of systemic
diseases. But only recently have the mechanisms by which commensal bacteria
maintain homeostasis begun to be elucidated [6]. The studies reported in this
review provide strong evidence that commensal bacteria play an essential role
in protecting the intestinal epithelial lining—the body’s first defense against
any ingested pathogen or toxin. The experiments described above report that
upon treatment with commensal bacteria or their products, tight junction
integrity is enhanced among IECs and goblet cell differentiation as well as
mucus production is increased overall.
Tight junction and mucus layer presence are
the two major physical barriers of the intestinal mucosal lining that provide
protection from enteric pathogens and a variety of inflammatory bowel diseases.
Therefore, not only do these studies advance the current state of knowledge
surrounding gut microbiota, but they will be invaluable in generating treatment
plans for individuals with gastrointestinal disorders for years to come.
We thank members of our laboratory for
suggestions. HOT is supported by NIH grant NIH Grant R01CA31534, Cancer
Prevention Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) Grants RP120348 and RP120459 and
the Marie Betzner Morrow Centennial Endowment.
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- Journal of Cancer Science and Treatment (ISSN:2641-7472)
- Journal of Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis Research (ISSN: 2643-0541)
- International Journal of Medical and Clinical Imaging (ISSN:2573-1084)
- Journal of Pathology and Toxicology Research
- Journal of Infectious Diseases and Research (ISSN: 2688-6537)
- International Journal of Radiography Imaging & Radiation Therapy (ISSN:2642-0392)
- Archive of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine (ISSN:2640-2297)