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Infections have been implicated in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) development.
However, the impact of premorbid infection on initiation and perpetuation of RA
has not been well elucidated. Thus, we sought to conduct a large scale on-site
survey to study whether premorbid infection may trigger RA and influence status
of the disease.
Premorbid infectious events were collected in cohort of 902 RA patients
from December 2015 to June 2016. Type of infections prior to RA onset and its
possible effects on disease status were analyzed.
Results: Three
hundred and thirty-four out of 902 patients (37.03%) experienced infections
within one month preceding RA onset. The most frequent infections were
respiratory (16.08%), intestinal (11.09%) and urinary tract (9.87%) infection,
respectively. The infection was associated with increased disease activity.
High disease activity risk was increased in patients who pre-exposure to
urinary infection (Odds ratio (OR)=3.813, 95% confidence interval (95% CI)=1.717-12.418)
and upper respiratory infection (OR=2.475, 95% CI=0.971-6.312).
Pre-exposure infections are associated with development of RA. Severe disease
status of RA and persistent of active disease status are related to preceding
Premorbid infection, Rheumatoid arthritis, Disease activity
Rheumatoid arthritis
(RA) is a common autoimmune disease characterized by joint destruction and
auto-antibodies production [1]. Many studies have demonstrated that infectious
agents may contribute to the initiation or perpetuation of RA through a variety
of mechanisms. Infection can cause a local inflammatory response. The innate
immune system could also be affected by infections agents and then cause RA
onset, for instance, pathogen-associated molecular pattern receptors;
especially the Toll-like receptors (TLRs) could release inflammatory mediators
rapidly after recognizing some preserved structures in bacteria and other
infectious agents [2].
Although a definite
causative link between a specific infectious agent and the disease has not been
established, several arguments support such a possibility. First, in the
absence of a certain pathogen, the spectrum of microorganisms involved in
triggering RA may include poly-microbial communities or the cumulative effect
of bacterial or virus factors [3]. Secondly, infections didn’t lead to RA in
all cases, but initiate it in a certain subset of patients who was born with a
genetic susceptibility [4-7]. Thirdly, some arthritis occurred based on
pre-exposure to microorganism. Several animal models of arthritis are dependent
on TLR2, TLR3, TLR4 or TLR9, for instance, rodents injected with streptococcal
cell walls (TLR2 ligand) develop severe polyarticular arthritis and TLR4 ligand
also play a role in passive K/BxN arthritis [8]. Many studies have shown that
components derived from infectious agents can cause autoimmune reaction by
molecular mimicry and other mechanisms. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a
polyclonal B lymphocyte activator which can increase the production of RF [4].
Oral pathogens may trigger the production of disease-specific autoantibodies
and arthritis in
this study, we sought to conduct a large-scale survey to explore potential
infectious agents which might initiate RA and the clinical consequence of this
disease [9].
Survey results were collected from 902 RA
patients admitted to the Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, People’s
Hospital, Peking University, between December 2015 and June 2016. All the
studied patients fulfilled the American College of Rheumatology/European League
against Rheumatism Classification criteria for RA in 2010 [10] and written
informed consent was obtained.
The clinical data were recorded including
tender and swollen 28-joint counts, general health on visual analog scales,
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ),
28-joint Disease Activity Score (DAS28) and the infections one month before the
onset of RA. Only premorbid infections which were diagnosed by physicians were
carefully recorded in this study.
The questionnaire also included age, sex,
disease duration, age at symptom, smoking status and treatments (one DMARD,
more than one DMARDs, DMARDs plus low-dose glucocorticoid and bDMARDs).
Analysis of covariance and multivariate
logistic regression analysis were applied to compare the disease activity in
patients with or without prior infections. T test was used to analyze the
Gaussian distribution data. ANOVA was used to analyze the non-normal
distribution data. The categorical variables were compared with chi-squared
test. Multinomial logistic analysis was used to find risk factor which perhaps
affected the current disease activity in RA patients. Data was expressed as
mean ± standard deviation for continuous variables. The SPSS statistical
package, version 23.0 was used for all statistical analyze and p value less
than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
Prevalence of
infections in RA
Within one month prior to RA onset, 37.03%
(334/902) patients experienced infections and the most frequent sites were
respiratory (16.08%), intestinal (11.09%) and urinary (9.87%), respectively (Table 1).
Patients in severe disease status showed high
prevalence of premorbid infections
Urinary and upper
respiratory infection increased high disease activity risk of RA patients
In our study, patients showed higher DAS28 in
urinary (P=0.000) and respiratory (P=0.001) infection groups (Table 4) before adjusting confounding
factors such as the different therapies, age and smoking status which can
affect disease activity.
Intestinal infection occurred in 100 patients
who developed RA. No difference was observed in these patients compared to patients
with no infection (Figures 1A-1F).
After adjusting age and smoking, DAS28 didn’t show significant difference
between intestinal infection group and no infection group (Table 4).
There is increasing awareness that mucosal
surfaces, including the gut and lungs, are sites of disease initiation in RA
[8]. Recent studies showed that infectious agents including virus and bacterial
infection had been associated with several kinds of autoimmune disease
[7,11-13]. For instance, upper respiratory tract and other infections are
well-known risk factors for multiple sclerosis [14]. However, it was not
clearly whether infectious agents play the causative role in the onset or
outcome of autoimmune disease; this is mainly due to the lack of strictly
perspective epidemiological study. And even in animal models, these
relationships are complex and depend on the timing of exposure, antigen type
and genetic background [15]. In our study, the age of disease onset was younger
in patients who had urinary tract infection, which perhaps indicates that RA
occurred earlier in patients with this pre-exposure infection and later in the
other patients.
It has been certified that many virus can
play a role in the production of auto-antibodies such as anti-cyclic
citrullinated peptide [16]. Infections are known to cause or enhance
autoimmunity through expansion of auto-reactive T-cell clones by molecular
mimicry and enhanced antigen presentation [15]. The patients with infection
events during the disease duration could have advanced RA status [17]. To our
knowledge, there was no study to prove the relationship between the premorbid
infection history and onset or outcomes of RA in large populations. Here, we
made the first report that analyzed this relationship in RA patients from
outpatient of department of rheumatology and immunology in People’s Hospital,
Peking University.
There were many factors reflected the disease
activity in RA, such as the number of tender or swollen joints, ESR, CRP and so
on. Patients with respiratory tract infection had higher DAS28 and more
swollen/tender joints. This probably because of respiratory tract infection was
mainly caused by viruses. Acute viral infection in adult has long been
suggested to induce transient autoimmune responses, including generation of autoantibody
[7]. As reported in a recent study, Arleevskaya et al. [4] found that higher
percentages of first-degree healthy relatives (HR) than health control (HC) had
upper respiratory and urinary tract infections. During 10 year follow-up, 26
out of 251 (10.36%) HR subjects developed to RA, while no RA was found in HC
group [4]. In our study, we found that 9.87% (89/902) patients had pre-exposure
of urinary tract infection and 13.30% (120/902) patients with upper respiratory
infection. Besides, the patients with urinary infection were more likely to
stay in disease activity stage and have more deformity joints. Moreover, the
patients with respiratory infection had higher disease activity compared with
no infection patients.
In fact, it is impossible to make a causal
link between a specific pathogen and the disease. Our study has several
limitations. First, because the study was done in a retrospective manner, the
patients who had no complete clinical data were excluded from this study.
Second, the number of the studied patients was not large enough to see the
statistical difference in clinical features and odds ratio in lower respiratory
tract infection subgroup patients. It may be due to this study group with very
few patients. Third, our studied patients may have selection bias because it
was performed in a single university hospital. In order to determine the impact
of premorbid infectious agents for RA outcome, the disease activity at RA onset
and radiographic joint damage should be followed up in a larger prospective
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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- International Journal of Medical and Clinical Imaging (ISSN:2573-1084)
- Journal of Cancer Science and Treatment (ISSN:2641-7472)
- Journal of Ageing and Restorative Medicine (ISSN:2637-7403)
- BioMed Research Journal (ISSN:2578-8892)
- International Journal of Radiography Imaging & Radiation Therapy (ISSN:2642-0392)
- Journal of Otolaryngology and Neurotology Research(ISSN:2641-6956)
- Journal of Nursing and Occupational Health (ISSN: 2640-0845)