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This experiment was carried to determine the growth
performance of weaner rabbits fed Morinda
citrifolia (Noni) and Moringa olifera
leaf meal mixture (MCML) as partial replacement of Soybean meal (SBM). Fifty
(50), 7-8 weeks bucks cross breed rabbits (Chinchilla × New Zealand White) with
an average weight of 620 g and 625 g were allotted into five (5) dietary
treatments of ten (10) rabbits per group and were individually caged in an
all-wired metabolic cages. SBM was replaced by MCML at levels of 0%, 3%, 6%, 9%
and 12%, respectively and the experiment lasted for 98 days. Clean feed and
water were provided ad libitum, experimental parameters covered feed intake,
feed conversion ratio, daily water intake and mortality. The results of this
experiment showed that there were no significant differences (p>0.05) in the
final weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio and daily water intake
across the treatment, diet containing 3% MCML had the highest weight gain of
1157.0 g, while rabbits fed 0% MCML had the lowest weight gain of 1084.0 g.
Significant differences (p<0.05) were observed in the mortality rate of the
animals, animals in treatment 1 had 3 mortalities, no mortality was recorded
for rabbits in treatment 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively. It can be concluded that
MCML can be used to replace SBM in the diet of rabbits up to 12% inclusion
level without affecting the general performance and health of the animals.
Keywords: Weaner
rabbits, Performance, Soybean meal, Moringa
olifera, Mortality
Poultry production
has experienced a lot of remarkable growth within the past forty years but
there are still some problems confronting the industry one of which is high
cost of feed materials. Recent data has shown that feed cost constitutes about
70-75% of the total cost of production, this could be basically attributed to
the stiff competition between humans and animals for grains and upward increase
in human population, poor government policies and insurgency in some
agricultural parts of the country. Formulation of diets for animals requires
protein and energy sources (variable ingredients) as major components. One of
the ways to solve the problem of high feed cost is the use of local feed
materials (unconventional) to produce feed at least cost and providing enough
animal protein since profit can only be maximized when animals are fed
well-formulated diets at reasonable costs. It was reported that Soya meal which
is regarded as an outstanding source of supplemental protein in diets of
livestock has become relatively scarce and expensive. It is rich in highly
digestible protein and the protein is made up of amino acids (essential and
non-essential) which are the building blocks of body protein for livestock.
According to some researchers, soybean meal accounts for nearly sixty-nine of
all macromolecule sources employed in animal feeds followed by rapeseed
(canola) meal (13%), cottonseed meal (6%), sunflower meal (5%), fish meal (2%)
and peanut meal (2%) worldwide.
One of the ways to
minimize the cost of feed and get maximum production/performance is the use of
some plants/leaves, which are found to be loaded with nutrients [1]. Several
reports have also shown that the use of plants as protein especially when
incorporated into livestock feed is cheaper; improve digestibility, immune
system (due to the presence of bioactive compounds) and growth performance.
Some plants in this
category include noni leaf (Morinda
citrifolia) and Moringa olifera. Morinda citrifolia belongs to the family
Rubiaceae, it is a tropical and subtropical plant grown in Asia, Australia and
other countries. M. citrifolia also
known as Noni is widely used as herbal plants and treatment of many disease
because it contains several bioactive chemicals and minerals like selenium
which has an important function to activate glutathione peroxidase and
neutralize free radicals which attack fat molecules in the body [2-5]. Morinda citrifolia leaves have been
reported to perform multiple role such as antibacterial [6], anti-inflammatory
[7], antitumor [8], antifungal and anti-diabetic activities [9]. The leaf meal
provides protein source and some essential vitamins such as vitamins A, C, E
and minerals [10,11].
Moringa olifera belongs to the Moringaceae family, it is the
most widely cultivated species of the genus Moringa commonly known as drumstick
tree or horse radish tree is a multi-purpose that has given considerable fodder
yield in the tropical humid forest zone of Nigeria during wet and dry seasons
[12]. According to Olson and Carlqist [13], Moringa leaves meal contains 27.51%
crude protein, 19.25% crude fibre, 2.23% crude fat, 7.13% ash, 76.53% moisture,
43.88% carbohydrate and 1296.00 KJ/g calories. The leaves are rich in several
minerals and vitamins [14,15].
The tree is often
called ‘multipurpose’ because all parts including the leaves, pods, seeds,
flowers, fruits and roots are edible and high medicinal [16-20].
Many research have
been carried out on the use of Moringa
olifera on livestock, for instance Kakengi et al. [21] reported that Moringa olifera can be included up to
30% in rabbit diet without any adverse effect on the growth performance, but
there is little or no information on the combination of M. olifera with noni, mixing this plant will give a good result
coupled with their nutrients profile and their abundance in the tropics.
Therefore, the aim of this experiment is to evaluate the growth performance of
weaner rabbits (Thryonomys swinderianus)
fed noni (Morinda citrifolia) and Moringa olifera leaf meal mixture as partial
replacement for Soy bean meal.
Study area
The experiment was
carried out at Division of Animal Nutrition, Sumitra Research Farm, Gujarat
(Western India).
Experimental site
The experiment was
carried out at the University of Abuja Teaching and Research Farm, Animal
Science Section, Main Campus, along Airport Road, Gwagwalada, Abuja, Nigeria.
Gwagwalada is the headquarters of the Gwagwalada Area Council; located between
latitude 8°57I and 8°55IN and longitude 7°05I and 7°06IE. Gwagwalada is one of
the six area councils in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).
Collection of plant materials
Fresh healthy and
mature Morinda citrifolia and Moringa olifera leaves were obtained
within the farm premises and it was authenticated and assigned a voucher
numbers of SRF 102 and SRF 103, respectively. The leaves were collected in
August, 2018.
Sample preparation
Both leaves were
thoroughly washed under running tap water and air dried separately for 12 days.
The leaves were then grind into coarse powder using high capacity grinding
machine separately to obtain Morinda
citrifolia leaf meal (MCM) and Moringa
olifera leaf meal (MLM). It was finally stored in airtight containers at
5°C for further analysis.
Preparation of
experimental diets
Fresh healthy
mature disease free M. citrifolia
leaves were harvested from Dan-malafia farms, Kuje, Abuja. The leaves were
separated, first washed with running tap water and then with distilled water,
shade dried without any contamination for 8 days and passed through a hammer
mill to produce M. citrifolia leaf
meal (MCM). MCM was mixed with other feed ingredients to form five experimental
diets at levels of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20%.
Parameters measured in the test materials
screening for the presence of tannin, flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, phenols
and oxalate were determined according to procedures outlined.
Mineral analysis
was carried out using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS).
Vitamin content was
determined by method described by certain researchers.
Amino acid profile
was determined using Eppendorf-Germany LC 3000, amino acid analyzer.
Proximate analysis
of crude protein, ash, ether extract and crude fibre were carried out in
accordance with the Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
Pre-experimental operations
The cages were
thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before the arrival of the animals, feeders and
drinkers were also washed and cleaned, all the cages were equipped with feeding
and watering troughs. Separate isolation cage was also provided in the pen to
accommodate any isolated animal after arrival. Anti-stress (strexia) and
de-wormer (Promectin) injection as prophylactic against ecto and endo parasites
were purchased.
Animal management
A total of fifty
(50), 7-8 weeks bucks cross breed rabbits (Chinchilla × New Zealand White) with
an average weight of 620 g and 625 g were used for this experiment. They were
individually housed in an all wire cages measuring 50 cm × 30 cm × 35 cm (width
× length × height), they were allowed one-week adjustment period during which
they were fed the basal diet and other medications administered. The animals
were feed twice daily between 7:30 am and 3:30 pm, clean feed and water were
provided ad libitum throughout the experimental period which lasted for 98
Animals and their management
Fifty (50), 9 weeks
male grass cutters of mixed sex with a weight range of 620 and 625 g were
randomly assigned to five treatments of twelve (10) grass cutters per group,
each treatment was replicated three times with each replicate having nine grass
cutters in a completely randomized design. The hutches were cleaned and disinfected
before the arrival of the animals. The grass cutters were allowed one week
adjustment period during which they were fed with control diet and given
prophylactic treatment of Promectin against endo and ecto-parasites before they
were placed on experimental diets. The animals were individually housed in
cages measuring 30 cm × 45 cm × 50 cm (width × length × height) and equipped
with feeding and watering troughs. The rabbits were fed twice daily at 7.30 h
and 14.30 h while water was provided ad
Experimental design
The experimental
animals were randomly assigned to five treatments of ten (10) animals per
group; each treatment was replicated ten times with each replicate having a
rabbit in a completely randomized design (CRD).
Feed formulation
Morinda citrifolia leaf meal (MCM) and Moringa olifera leaf meal (MLM) were mixed in the ratio of 1:1 and
thoroughly mixed to form Morinda-Moringa leaf meal (MCLM); they were further
mixed with the basal diet to form five experimental diets as follows:
Treatment 1:
(Control): Basal diet+0% MCLM
Treatment 2: Basal
diet+3% MCLM
Treatment 3: Basal
diet+6% MCLM
Treatment 4: Basal
diet+9% MCLM
Treatment 5: Basal
diet+12% MCLM
The basal diet was
formulated to meet the nutrients requirements of growing rabbits according to
the NRC.
Data collection
Growth performance parameters: Daily
feed intake (g) was calculated by difference between feed offered and the left
over, feed conversion ratio was determined as feed intake divided by body
weight gain, water consumption and mortality were recorded daily.
Chemical analysis: Proximate
analysis of diets was determined according to AOAC. The phytochemical screening
was of MCM determined according to procedures outlined. The mineral analysis
was carried out using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Vitamin A B
and C were determined by method described. Amino acids were determined using
Eppendorf, Germany LC 3000, amino acid analyzer.
All data obtained
were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the linear models
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 15.0) software.
Significant difference between means was separated using Duncan’s multiple
range tests.
The results on the proximate analysis of Morinda citrifolia meal (MCM) and Moringa olifera leaf meal (MLM) are presented in Tables 1 and 2. Dry matter content of MCM was 92.18% while those of crude protein, crude fibre, ether extract and total ash are 18.48%, 13.31%, 6.11% and 12.61%, respectively. The proximate constituents of MLM are 93.67%, 28.49%, 10.11%, 8.09% and 10.88% for dry matter, crude protein, crude fibre, ether extract and ash respectively. Both leaf meals contain tangible quantity of minerals and vitamins like phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, selenium, manganese, copper, iron, zinc, boron, vitamin A, B and C. The present study regarding the proximate analysis of MCM and MLM was in agreement with the findings of many researchers [15,22-24] who reported that MCM and MLM are highly digestible in animals because of their rich nutritional composition.
Phytochemical components of MCM and MLM are presented in Table 3. Saponin, tannin, phenol, flavonoids, alkaloids and oxalate content of MCM was 1.90%, 1.52%, 5.22%, 2.11%, 1.60% and 0.15%, respectively while those of MLM are 4.12%, 3.01%, 12.02%, 7.08%, 2.11% and 0.10% for saponin, tannin, phenol, flavonoids, alkaloids and oxalate. Both MCM and MLM have a high level of phenol confirming the reports of various scientists [4,25,26]. The presences of phytochemicals in the plants make them important in pharmacological roles, for instance the antimicrobial, antibacterial, antioxidant and antiviral properties of MCM have been reported [27-35].
Mekonnen and Drager
[36] also confirmed that MLM contains benzylsothiocyanate,
4-(4'-O-acetyl-a-L-rhamnopyranosyloxy) benzyl, isothiocyanate and other
substance which gives them anticancer, antibacterial, antioxidant and antiviral
properties. The retained phenol in both MCM and MLM could also be attributed
the processing method after collection. According to Bhuvaneshwari and Sivakami
[37] phenol can easily be destroyed by excessive heat. Flavonoids are known to
act against activity of gram positive and gram negative bacteria, performs
anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant roles [38,39].
The effect of
feeding different levels of MCML in weaner rabbits is shown in Table 4.
The initial body weight ranges between 620-625 g while those of final live
weight are between 17701-1780.1 g. The result showed the effect of partially
replacing soya meal with MCML on the final weight gain was not significant
(p>0.05). However rabbits in Treatment 3 had the highest final body weight
(1780.1 g) followed by Treatment 2 with (1777.8 g), Treatment 1 had the lowest
weight with (1706.1 g). No significant (p>0.05) differences were observed
between the treatment in terms feed intake, rabbits in treatment 1 consumed
more in compared to treatment 2, 3, 4 and 5. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) were
not significantly (p>0.05) different among the treatments. This was similar
with the finding of Wogar [40] when grass cutter was fed cassava based diets
with graded protein levels. Attanayaka et al. [39] noted that the cotton seed
meal can be used to replace soya bean meal at 10% in broiler chicken but
contrary to the reports of Banjo et al. [41] when maize was replaced with
brewer’s dry grain (BDG) in the diet of weaner grass cutters.
Similarly, Wogar [40] reported that substituting
palm kernel meal (PKM) at 9% in the diet of growing grass cutters improved
their final body weight though not at a significant level when compared with
maize sievates and wheat offal.
There was a
significant difference (p<0.05) in the mortality rate of the animals.
Treatment 1 recorded the highest number of 3 rabbits; no mortality was recorded
in treatment 2, 3, 4 and 5. This could possibly be due to the presence of
secondary metabolites (phytochemicals) in MCML. For instance, saponins and
phenolic compounds prevents bacterial infections [7,18].
It can be concluded that MCML could be
included up to 12% in the diets of rabbits without any deleterious effect on
their health and general performance, MCML have proven to be loaded with vital
nutrients that are necessary for the growth of animals, however, 3%
substitution gave the highest weight gain for the animals. MCML can also be
used as an herbal supplement or phytobiotics.
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